Chapter Four

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Jack visited very early. I'm usually not up until later, but today is different. Jack dressed in one of his many plaid shirts, and he even combed out his black hair. We aren't identical twins, but people assume we are because of the same hair and eyes.

Personally, I always felt Jack's eyes weren't dull like mine. His gray eyes just shine better. Like how they brightened up when Jack saw me. He wrapped his arms around me for a big hug. I really missed him.

"How are you holding up?" He asked me as we sat down.

"I have to attend anger management now, and this one dude is very weird around me." I told him.

"Wow, so much since last month." He laughed. I laughed with him. Having Jack around always made me feel more sane. He does not question me or leave my side.

"So, Janie Anne's family started something." Jack mentioned.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, a new movement? They are using Janie Anne's case to get themselves on the school board. Something about making sure kids are protected from deranged rich psychos."

    "Deranged rich psychos, huh." That was a new one. Doesn't make much since they are also wealthy.

"Has, my friends said anything?" I asked him. Jack opened his mouth to speak, but stopped. He sighed, looking around at first like he's looking for the right words.

    "Kelly, hasn't left her house. Everyone that does go to school has been avoiding them like they plague. Other than that, they haven't said much." He informed me. Poor Kelly, this is probably really affecting her. She's a big peacekeeper, hates violence.

"If you are able to, will you tell Kelly I'm sorry?" I asked him. She'll probably freak if she sees Jack, but maybe she'll understand.

"I can only try." Jack smiled.


Around bedtime is always my favorite. Finally able to go to sleep. Before anyone could be escorted to their rooms, I felt a hand grab my arm, yanking me against a hard chest.

"Hey, what the!" A hand covered my mouth, And I started to thrash. They let me go quickly, laughing as I launched away from them. I saw the dark hair and immediately recognized Aaron.

    "Dude, fuck off!" I snapped, turning to head to my room. I felt the need to run, but that would look weird.

"Wait, I'm sorry." He caught up, walking next to me. I pushed him away, walking a little faster.

    "Maaaaacyyyyy." He sang. I stopped in front of my door, turning with a scowl.

"What, the hell do you want?" I asked him. Chelsea should be inside already.

"Look how sorry I am." He pouted his face. Oh barf.

"Can you not?" Shoving him off, I went inside, shutting the door. What a freak. Why does he give off so many off vibes?

"Macy? Are you ok?" Chelsea whispered.

    "I'm fine." I whispered back, crawling into bed.

"Jack lied." Darkness formed quickly in the other corner this time.

    "Jack doesn't have any reason to lie." I mumbled quietly.

"You saw his face." I tried not to think about it, but it did look like he wasn't telling me something.

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