Chapter Eleven

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I woke up smelling food. Someone is cooking breakfast. I eyed the door for a good hour, waiting for Aaron to barge in here and demand I get up. That's what everyone tells me to do, every single morning.

    He never even knocked, I could hear him faintly talking too. I can't believe this, I'm actually wondering why he won't get me. Throwing the blanket off, I changed back into my shorts before leaving the room.

    I heard Aaron talk to someone as I rounded the corner to the kitchen. Two people stared back at me once they heard me. Aaron stood by the stove, cooking something in a pan. The other sat at the table, gaping at me.

    "Aaron, don't tell me you actually did it." He stood up. My guess this is Ethan. He didn't look at all like I thought he would. I imagined he'd be like Aaron.

    No this guy had short blonde hair, and glasses. He wore basic clothes, unlike Aaron with more brighter colors. Like now he had on a very pink shirt.

        "Really thought I was joking." Aaron chuckled. So Ethan knew?

    "Macy, this is my friend Ethan. Ethan, Macy." Aaron introduced for us. I looked Ethan up and down again, not bad looking. Better than Aaron.

    "Aaron, this is way over the line even for you." Ethan argued, shoving his chair back. He marched over to Aaron, clearly pissed.

    "Not really, besides it's not like that place would have helped us." Aaron moved around Ethan, setting up a plate of food on the table. "If anything, it would have ruined her."

    I scoffed,

        "You literally kidnaped me. I didn't want to leave."

    "You did what?" Ethan turned back to Aaron, looking more disappointed. Aaron rolled his eyes, coming over to me.

    "We will discuss this later, you need to eat." Aaron grabbed my arm, pulling me to the table. He sat me with the plate he made.

        "Aaron, you can't just force-"

    "I fucking said we'll discuss it later." Aaron stopped him. I shrunk in my seat, that tone he had in his voice, was terrifying. They both stared at each other, before Ethan sighed.

    "You owe me." Ethan mumbled, shoving past Aaron. He grabbed a jacket, before swinging the front door open.

        "I'll be back later." Ethan nearly slammed the door shut. Aaron sighed loudly,

    "Don't worry about him, he just needs to cool down." Aaron assured me. How is he back to being in a good mood?


    Ethan didn't come back till hours later. I really envied his freedom to do that. Reminded me of how laid back mom and dad are whenever I'd go out. Course I was a little antisocial, Jack was always the one to be home longer.

    Ethan completely ignored me as he passed by the couch. I sat up, watching him go to his room. He didn't even greet Aaron by the kitchen.

    "He'll get over it." Aaron told me, seeing me stare at Ethan's door.

    "Do you piss him off often?" I asked, laying back down.

    "I don't try to, he's just a little sensitive right now." Aaron came over to me, handing me a glass of water?

        "Why?" I didn't dare drink it, who just gives someone a glass of water?! I left it on the coffee table, standing up to follow Aaron.

    "Because of personal issues. It's not my place to tell you." Aaron shrugged it off, like I'm a child. I followed him to the kitchen, seeing what all he was cooking. Best guess it had to be some type of pasta.

    "You can watch TV until it's ready." He smiled at me. Never thought I'd think this but, I was getting bored from just watching TV all day.

    "Is there anything else to do?"

    Aaron blinked at me, did he think I was that lazy or something? Setting down the wooden spoon he was holding, Aaron came over to gently push me.

    I let him push me to Ethan's door, waiting as Aaron knocked. Ethan swung the door open, looking exhausted.

    "Leave me be." He wouldn't acknowledge me, only staring hard at Aaron.

        "Can she play games with you?" Aaron was holding on to my arms from behind, I honestly felt like I was being pawned off.

    "What?" Ethan finally looked at me, and I smiled nervously. He looked back at Aaron, even more pissed off.

    "Just until dinner is ready. I'm making your favorite!" Aaron's chin rested on top of my head. What kind of sucking up is this?

    "Fine." Ethan stepped aside, letting me walk through. He shut the door behind him before Aaron could say anything else.

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