Chapter Sixty-Four

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It felt like hours ticked by, waiting to find out if my brother is alive. Everywhere on my body, throbbed in pain. Especially my nose and head.

Silvanto finally drove into the driveway of Glen's house. Why are we here? I want to sleep, so badly. Silvanto excused himself, leaving the car running as he ran inside.

Jack has to be alive, he has to be. I can't live with myself knowing I got him killed.

I need to think like him. He's cocky, full of himself. If I was him, a sociopath, what would I do after getting blown out of a window?

"Legal wise? I did nothing wrong." He bragged about it before, how he doesnt have to always be on the run, in hiding.

He'd go to a hospital, probably give a fake name. Silvanto left his cell in the car, but he kept a passcode, like any sane person.

I got out of the car, almost limping to the door. I didn't realize how many places I'm in pain. I heard arguing as I shut the door behind me.

I remember a house phone in the kitchen, so I made my way there. The arguing sounded like it was in a closed room nearby, probably Silvanto telling Glen how shitty everything went. I hope I didn't get him into trouble.

"Macy?" Glen's daughter, Clara eyed me, holding her phone out in front of her.

"Are you ok? You look, like you need medical attention." She gaped at me. I'm sure I look repulsive, versus her dressed up, with make up on and her hair curled. What time is it that she's dressed up?

"Do you guys have a phone book?" I asked, remembering I don't know numbers. She scoffed, holding her phone up more.

"I can look it up?" She offered me her phone.

"What's the closest hospital?" I asked her, holding my side, trying to breath without it hurting so much. Clara nodded, tapping away on her phone.

"Swan Rivers, do you need me to call you an ambulance?" Clara glanced behind her, probably worried about the argument.

"No, I just need to call their emergency room, can I do that?" I nervously smiled at her, realizing I must look scary. Clara blinked at me, like she expected me to know more. I can't expect anything less from a teen girl like her.

"I think this is the number." Clara still tapped on her phone, handing it to me. I thanked her, readjusting so I could lean on the counter. I can sleep soon, just a little longer.

"Swan Rivers Emergency."

"I need to know if someone has been admitted." I quickly started, hearing a door open. What if they stop me?

"Young male, dark hair. May have been in an explosion?" As I named everything off, Clara eyed me more.

"I'm not allowed to disclose personal information."

"I just wanna know if someone like that has been in!" I snapped at the poor lady.

"There was a young man that was brought in, looked like he was involved in a fire." She actually told me. I hung up, having no air to breathe. Clara barely had a hold of her phone when I handed it to her, falling to the floor.

"Oh, shit!" Clara bent down by me, confused on what to do.

"I'm fine, I just need a minute." I waved at her.

"Hey! Do not let her sleep!" I heard Glen yell, more footsteps coming to me. Damn, I could've gotten some minutes.

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