Chapter Eight

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They have a movie night once a week. It's one thing I always enjoy going to. Everyone is quiet and I get to watch a movie. I sat near the back with Chelsea and Dante. She's been all over him since he got here, always inviting him along where she goes.

    Aaron of course sat across the aisle from me. This time I wasn't that bothered, I was too focused on the movie. I've never seen it before, and it is interesting.

    "What's your favorite movie, Sunshine?" Aaron leaned over to whisper. I never thought I would have the opportunity to harshly shush someone, and see how offended Aaron looked. It worked, he didn't speak at all.

    They always take a 5 minute break once we're halfway through the movie. Just in case anyone needs to go to the bathroom or get a snack.

I took the moment to grab something to drink, and Aaron seized my arm. When I yanked my arm back, he quickly wrapped his arms around me.

"Would you knock it off!" I snapped, starting to thrash around.

    "Listen to me first." He tightened his grip. I stopped thrashing, taking a few deep breaths. Aaron did slowly let go of me, while giving me that look that clearly demands I behave. I glanced around, happy that there were plenty of people around.

"What do you want then?" I asked.

    "I wanna make up for the dark room. I promise I wasn't trying to scare you." Aaron spoke softly, and it came off really wrong. I really, really don't trust him.

"Later. I wanna finish the movie." I wanted to step back, but I don't want him to grab me again.

"It'll be quick." He lowered his voice. I sighed, he isn't going to back down. I finally nodded, letting him lead me back to the same room.

The tape barely stuck on, almost falling off when we closed the room behind us.

The air was really cold, but at least the light worked. Aaron waved his hand over to the window. I really didn't trust anything right now, but it scared me more on what he'll do if I tried to leave.

Aaron stayed very still as I walked to the window. The sun was barely about to set, it's gonna get dark soon. We were on the second floor, so the windows were definitely locked. Until Aaron pushed the window open.

Wind blew in, giving me chills. How did he get it open!?!? Aaron gave me the most proud look as I stared out the window dumbfounded.

"I had a little help." He winked at me, leaning out the window. I stepped back. What if he pushes me? Aaron noticed me back up,

    "I'm not gonna push you." He assured me. I don't believe him. What help did he get? Aaron whistled, waving his hand like he was signaling someone.

I got closer, seeing someone down below. I tried to squint hard, I need to recognize them. Aaron pushed me back, he leaned out the window again, reaching for something.

Then I saw a ladder clamped against the window. What? Aaron gestured to the ladder. I shook my head, stepping back again. I could see the door from the corner of my eye.

Aaron didn't give me a chance, he shoved me against the wall and pressed something against my throat. I can feel the silver of a knife. Where'd this bastard get a knife!?

"Macy, go down the ladder." He demanded. I regretted looking at his dark eyes. He was dead serious. I nodded, letting him pull me to the window.

    "What if someone hears us?" I asked. I would be in so much trouble, I might get sent to solitude!

"I told you, I've got some help." Aaron kept assuring. Looking down the ladder, the height started to scare me. I still turned around, slowly stepping down. I need to see who's down here anyway. Aaron soon followed down the ladder.

I finally reached the ground, flinching away once I saw Karin in front of me. What on Earth?! Aaron came down, helping Karin pull the ladder away. I watched as both of them carried it to a truck that was parked nearby. Throwing it in the back, Karin handed the keys to Aaron.

"You two hide under the tarp, don't come out until I give you the call clear." Karin told Aaron, barely looking at me. Aaron waved her off, snatching my wrist so he could pull me to the truck. This isn't happening. No, we're not actually escaping?  

Aaron lifted the tarp in the back of the truck. He gently pushed me to get under it. The ladder didn't take much space, so Aaron laid right beside me.

    "Why are you taking me?" I whispered. Aaron wrapped his arms around me, I could feel him smiling.

"We're soulmates, Sunshine. I had to get you out of there." He whispered in my ear.

I heard the truck stop, and whoever Karin spoke to. Then the truck moved. I can't believe this. Aaron, kidnapped me from a mental prison??

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