Chapter Seventy-Two

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I'm not that stupid, I'm not following Aaron anywhere else. He watched me back out of the room, eyeing the exit.

    "Why are you acting like I'm gonna attack you? I would never do that." Aaron turned fully to me. I blinked at him,

        "You literally carved into me." I reminded him. He rolled his eyes, annoyed every time I brought it up.

    "I can't lose you again, you know that." Aaron narrowed his eyes on me. I hated that he kept Ethan's glasses on, he doesn't even need them.

    "I should have a say, and I definitely don't wanna be isolated with you." I told him, stepping back. I need to text Glen, before Aaron strikes first. Even if he does get the upper hand, Glen is nearby.

    "Isolated? We don't have to be if we leave the country." Aaron took a big step towards me.

        "I don't want to leave the country." I patted my bag, I still have a gun with me.

    "Then you'll have to be isolated then, do you wanna end up back in a place like Willbrooke?" Aaron raised his voice. Shit, I can't piss him off.

    "I'm actually somewhere safe, and I'd like to stay there." I told him, carefully pulling my phone out of my back pocket.

    "Where?" he demanded.

    "None of your business." I spat back, "In fact I have someone tailing me, so I'm not going anywhere with you."

    "Someone tailed you, huh." Aaron made a tsk noise, before chuckling.

        "Let me guess, you told them you'd send them a signal if you're ok or not ok?" Aaron took off the glasses, folding them up before stuffing them in his pocket.

    "They will kill you, just leave me be." I warned, afraid he might hurt me now. I don't like the smile he has, it reminds me of villains making a last effort to take someone out with them.

    I'm more terrified of him now then ever.

    "After everything I've done for you?" Aaron's tone changed, getting darker.

        "Done for me? You kidnapped me, carved into me, I never wanted to leave Willbrooke in the first place." I still held my phone, too afraid to make any movements. Aaron chuckled again, scaring me more. I should run, Glen is right outside.

    "I freed you, let you be your true self." Aaron sounded more delusional the more he talked.

    "You're scaring me." I admitted, terrified he's gonna suddenly attack. Finish me off before Glen gets alerted, then is gone in the wind.

    "Did it help?" Aaron stood straight, looking straight at me.

        "What?" I glanced down the hall, hoping Glen notices.

    "Knowing my history, did it help with what happened to you?" Aaron took a careful step forward, and I stepped back.

I can relate to him, we were both violated at such a young age, and killed our abuser.

    But I still hear the shrill voice calling me Macy Lacy, the flash of the stupid camera, the sound of the blades cutting into Sherry's body.

    "I just want the noise to stop." I confessed to him, feeling my eyes burn again.

    "I can show you my way." Aaron reached a hand out. He doesn't stop does he?

        "Tell me first, I'm not going anywhere." I shuffled my feet, turning most of my body away. I tried hiding my phone from the other side.

    "Put the damn phone down, I'm not gonna hurt you." Aaron raised his voice, eyeing my hands. Damn, it'd be better not to anger him. Raising the phone, I put it in my bag in front of him.

    "Good, now come back in here." Aaron stepped back away from me, beckoning me back into the room. I listened, keeping the door shut. I can't risk him getting mad, not yet.

    When did he start to terrify me? Before I actually considered staying by him. Now fuck that, I can't trust him.

    "Remember the auction I took you too?" Aaron asked, giving me a small smile. I nodded, it felt like forever ago.

        "Remember what I bought?" Hands on hips, he leaned forward. I shook my head, I barely remember the items that were there.

"A valuable list of identities from people in witness protection. I was looking for someone in hiding." He told me. I remember now, everyone was too afraid to bid against him. Aaron looked like he was getting sweaty, or frustrated with me.

"Now, remember who helped us escape Willbrooke?" Aaron chuckled, What's funny right now?

    "Harriet Reyes, that bitch owed me big time."

"What did she do?" I humored him, clinging onto my bag with my back against the wall. Why did he choose to stay in the room with decayed blood?

"Harriet worked at this daycare, right with Charlie." Aaron told me, actually surprising me.

    "She may have been younger, but she knew damn well what was going on." Aaron lowered his voice again, "She could have stopped it." He looked at the bloody wall.

"But, instead the bitch looked the other way." Aaron turned to me,

    "Please, ask me what her reasoning was." Aaron fake smiled.

"What did she say?" I asked him, not liking the actual smile he grew, like he was excited to tell me. He stepped closer to me, leaning close to whisper,

    "She had a child with him, who also attended daycare with me."

"Oh." I gaped, not expecting this much drama added.

"They both went through a name change, that list I bought had the little shits name on there." Aaron started to chuckle, backing up to rub his face,

    "I kidnapped the fucker after you ran off. He's been at my mercy, just like I was with his piece of shit father."

"What?" I shouldn't expect anything less, but is he really torturing some innocent kid? He should be around Aaron's age, but the kid didn't choose his parents.

"That's how I deal, Sunshine. I'm making that shithead suffer in his father's place." Aaron took a deep breath, facing me again. He's actually insane. I can't do that, I could barely hurt Jack!

Unless it would be different if it's someone I truly hate. Like Aaron. Maybe that will help me, seeing him suffer.

That makes me just as bad as him, but I don't care. After everything I've been threw, I earned it.

But I should save the kid, just to take it away from Aaron. It'd make him furious if I did that.

"Will you show me?"

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