Chapter Thirteen

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Aaron took me to get food. After he'd seen me last night, he's been annoyingly nice. I don't wanna complain, he could be a whole lot worse to me. Maybe I should use him being nice to make my move. All I need to really do is find a way to get the police involved.

I had been watching TV, we made the news so people are looking for us. Maybe I could even call Jack. I know he'd come get me. I already know I can't go home, I'm gonna be in so much more trouble now that I've escaped Willbrooke.

"Here, hold this." Aaron handed me the bag of food. It smelled good, glad I have an appetite.

"How come Ethan doesn't turn you in?" I asked suddenly.

"Because, Ethan and I have a unique bond." Aaron smiled as he drove.

"Unique how?"

"Well, the short version would be a trauma bond. We went through something bad, really bad." Aaron actually started to frown, like in a sad way. He gets sad?

"So, now we have each other's back. We promised." Aaron wore a blank face now.

"What kind of promise?" I asked.

"Are you always this curious?" Aaron's mouth twitched now, wanting to smile.

"I've been told I'm just nosey."

"Alright, we promised to always stick with what is right."

"How is anything you've done right?" I snapped. Luckily, he didn't seem to be mad at me.

"I'm guessing you found out how I ended up at Willbrooke." Aaron chuckled. I looked ahead, noticing we are almost back.

"I heard you beat a kid with a hammer." I remember Chelsea telling me. Aaron sighed, as if the story was wrong.

"Actually, that's not how it went down." I feel like he likes that I ask so many questions.

"Then what happened?"

Aaron smiled, pulling into the garage. How can he be so annoying? Once we got inside, he insisted we sit on the couch together. So that we could watch something while eating.

"What happened?" I asked again, sitting as far as he allowed.

"Caleb Isaacson. Stupid ass thinks he's entitled." Aaron finally started to tell me.

"See me and Ethan were at a friend's graduation party. Caleb shows up, the bastard wasn't even invited. He likes to really run his mouth, you see." Aaron unpacked the food as he talked, unwrapping my sandwich before handing it to me.

"At the time, Ethan had a thing with a guy. Everyone knew Ethan is bisexual, but Caleb was as homophobic as a Christian." Aaron handed me napkins, taking a moment to take a bite. I think I remember seeing some colored flags in his room.

"Caleb said shit about my best friend. Even brought up something unforgivable." Aaron's voice got lower. I'm guessing the unforgivable thing is related to the trauma bond.

"So, I told him there was more liquor in the basement and followed his drunk ass." Aaron was facing ahead, but his eyes looked at me,

"I pushed him down the stairs first."

"First?" I waited before starting to eat. Aaron was acting as if he was telling a ghost story with the way he paused, watching my every move.

"Once I got down there, I found a hammer. Gave him a good beating with it." Aaron laughed. He actually laughed.

"I should have killed him, no one would have batted an eye." Aaron took a big bite.

"Then why didn't you?" I asked.

"Like I said, Ethan and I promised to do what's right. I called the police on myself." He admitted. I actually almost spit out my food.

"What?! Why?" He really enjoyed my reaction with his amused smile.

"Ethan told me to, he found me downstairs with him. I couldn't break my promise after I got caught."

Aaron is a full blown sociopath. I may have killed Janie Anne, but at least I feel something about it. Well, a little bit. I really wished I could remember what happened that day.

Jill isn't around to help me go into that state of subconscious. I could try to do it myself, but I don't feel safe enough here.

"Any other questions, Sunshine." I really wished he wouldn't call me that.


Ethan never left his room. Aaron assured me he's fine, that he just needed time to himself. Still, I feel like maybe I caused him to be this upset.

"Wanna come with me somewhere?" Aaron had come up behind me, whispering in my ear. While I tried to flinch away, he grabbed my arms.

"Where are you going?" I asked, not bothering to fight him. He's stronger than me, it'd be stupid to waste any energy or get hurt.

"Unfinished business. Come on, it'll be fun or I'll get you ice cream." Aaron let go of me, wanting to hurry out the door. I followed him to his car. Whatever he's doing sounds more fun than staying inside all day.

I expected him to be quiet unless I talked, so I stayed quiet. I've been non stop thinking about Janie Anne. If I did kill her, why would I be stupid enough to do it in the middle of the day? Wouldn't I have talked to someone before I left?

Oh, wait. I was talking to Kelly, I remember being on the phone with her. Fuck! I need to remember!

Aaron drove for a while, I watched as an hour passed before he stopped. He parked on a street, in a small neighborhood.

"Where are we?" I asked him. Aaron smiled, holding a finger up to signal be quiet. I got out of the car with him, following him down the sidewalk. Where are we going?!

"Our talk today, it reminded me of something." Aaron whispered. I stayed quiet, letting him elaborate.

"Ethan stopped me, at the party. Trust me, I wasn't letting that little dipshit live. Not after what he said." Aaron spoke in a scary tone. It terrified me so much walking next to him.

"What's going on?" I mumbled, not really wanting to ask him. Aaron didn't hear me, but he did turn to give me a mischievous smile. Nodding to a house.

"Let's go around back." He ushered me, running to the back of the big white house.

I watched Aaron go to the backdoor. He winked at me, before fiddling with the door. He purposely blocked my view with his back. Why try to hide?

Aaron got the door open, and he beamed at me as he stepped inside. Every sane part of me said run back to the car.

"You need to see this." Darkness is right, it's better to be next to him.

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