Chapter Eighteen

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"Why does everyone think she's a nice person? She's a fucking, bitch." Janie Anne cried, holding the camera angle up, before setting it down. She sniffled, pulling her phone out.

"Everyone knows she had something to do with her ex, but they are cowards and won't stand up to her. Macy deserves to go to hell." Janie Anne tapped on her phone, barely acknowledging the camera.

I remember now, she had gone to the principal to accuse me of bullying her. She claimed I was leaving her threatening notes, taking her gym clothes, and stealing her homework. I never did any of that stuff, I may not have liked her but I didn't waste my time like that.

Many people came forward, defending me. I had alibis and even camera footage to prove I wasn't messing with her stuff. They never caught who was doing it, but she wasn't happy when I didn't get punished.

This video was posted about a week after that, why would she post about it then?

"You know what, I think she should be fucking locked up. Her psycho ass hallucinates you know." Janie Anne smirked at the camera. That fucking skank.

"I heard from a very reliable source, she sees demons and stuff. How much you wanna bet she worships Satan and shit." She laughed, wiping the tears off her face. I felt myself freeze, who in the fuck told her?

"Aha! I should start telling people that. It's what she gets for picking on me!"

I, didn't. I never fucking did. The video ended with her smirking.

"She lied. She lied about you." Darkness appeared. I stared at the screen. This is the video I watched, right before Janie Anne died.

Did I leave and kill her after watching it?

"Are you alright, Sunshine?" Aaron spoke from behind me. I didn't jump, or react at all. All I could do was stare at the screen. Seeing the comments underneath.

"Janie Anne was just a bullied girl :( I hope macy rots in jail."

"Poor thing needed a hug <3"

"Petition to go kill macy vang click link-"

"I heard she lied in this, scary world."

"I," I stopped. Why tell him? It won't make it better. Aaron leaned forward, closing the video.

"Do you know why I was at Willbrooke?" I asked him. Aaron shook his head, closing out of all the pages I was looking at.

"They say I brutally stabbed my classmate." I told him, not admitting it.

"Was it after she posted that video? I would wanna kill her after that as well. Dumb bitch had it coming if you ask me." Aaron smiled at me. Of course he'd take my side, he thinks we're soulmates.

"I don't think I did it, I can't remember that day well, but it feels like something else happened." I told him, watching him shut the computer down.

"Is that what you were trying to figure out with Dr. Mackle?" Aaron asked, spinning me in the chair around to face him.

"She helps me go into a weird sleep state. I tried doing it by myself, but it's hard to remember." I don't know why I was being truthful. I should trust him with any type of information about me.

"I can help, if you'll let me." He smiled again. I definitely am not sure about trusting him enough for that.


I watched the bedroom door. Any minute Aaron will announce its time to go to bed.

I hate to admit it, but I was considering his offer to help me remember that day. I'd like to think I'm smart enough to not storm out of the house to murder someone from a video. Talking to Jack would help me a lot, but I hate to find out what Aaron will want in return for another phone call.

But sleeping in the same bed as him, I hate more. What if he tries to cuddle me!?

"You got to kill him."

See, now I know that's stupid. Did Darkness scream that at me when I first saw the video? I looked at the looming darkness. Hovering by the TV.

"Kill him."

Yeah he definitely antagonized me that day. Still, I wouldn't murder her in broad daylight. That's even more stupid than rashly killing her.

"He'll never let you go." But, I am getting on his good side. Building trust, is the best option.

"Macy? Are you ready?" Aaron chimed, coming into the room with a bright smile. He's very excited. Gross. As much as I wanna whine and argue, it's safer to do what he says.

I got up, reluctantly following him to the bedroom. Praying I fall asleep fast.

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