Chapter Twenty

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Aaron made breakfast, humming the whole time. I thought that I wouldn't sleep at all last night, with Aaron being next to me and all. I must have been exhausted because I slept like a rock.

    I've been working up the courage all morning to ask Aaron for another phone call. What if he requests something worse in return? He seems to be in a good mood, I've been doing what he says, maybe he won't ask for anything.

    Besides I really need to talk to Jack, I need to know his side of what happened that day. Aaron set food down in front of me, sitting down as well.

    "I, um, I have another favor to ask." I regret saying anything. It's a bad idea, it could piss him off.

    "What is it, Sunshine?" He still smiled at me. Maybe I'm being scared of him for no reason, he hasn't really been mean or anything.

    "I wanna call Jack again. Please?" I fiddled with my fingers, I can't eat yet.

        "Alright," He took a bite. That's it? Was it that easy? No way.

"Can I talk to him now?" I didn't want to press more, but it's kinda urgent.

"Ok, just be quick." He smirked at me, getting out his phone. I can't believe he didn't want anything in return. He continued to eat, while I dialed.

"This better be who I think it is."

"Well hello to you too." I smiled.

    "Are you gonna tell me where you are? I can come get you." Jack offered, too bad I can't give him any hints.

"Listen, I really need to ask you something very important."

"More important than telling me where the fuck you are?" He snapped at me, but it's fine. I would be furious as well.

"Yes. What happened that day? I know you were there when Janie Anne died." I glanced at Aaron, seeing him hide his smile.

"I thought you didn't remember." Jack got quiet.

"I mean it, Jack. Tell me or I'm hanging up and not contacting you again." I hated threatening him, but Aaron was loving it.

    "Huh, you're fucking serious." I heard Jack mumble, "Fine, I saw the whole thing, Macy. I know everything that happened."

"What the hell happened then!" I stood up. Aaron sighed, standing up and snatching the phone from me. He easily shoved me away, ending the call.

"Hey!! I was talking to him!" I tried to shove him, but he grabbed my arm, twisting it behind me.

    "You need to calm down, Sunshine. You can talk to him some other time." Aaron calmly told me, while still holding me.

"Fuck you!" I lifted my leg, kicking at him.

"Mace." He warned. Who cares, seriously. I didn't wanna be here, I can't remember what happened with Janie Anne, and now I'm not allowed to talk to my own brother?!

I shoved him off, darting for the counter. I grabbed one of the cutting knives, I've honestly been eyeing it for a while. Fuck this, I'm so done with him. Aaron stood completely still, watching me with the most neutral face.

"Put that down, now." He pointed to the floor.

"KILL HIM!" Darkness loomed next to Aaron.

"YOU CAN ESCAPE! KILL HIM NOW!" Why the fuck is he screaming!? Aaron took a step, and I backed up.




"Shut the fuck up." I pleaded with him, I can't think. All I can hear is Darkness scream at me! Aaron took another step. Fuck, fuck, fuck. What do I do?

"Macy." Aaron took another step. No, I need to leave. I have to attack him. I gotta do something, fuck why is the air so thin? I can't breathe, I can't hear!

"SHUT UP!!" Aaron is unfazed by my scream. He didn't react at all!


    I ran forward, trying to stab him. Aaron caught my wrists, throwing me to the side like a bag of potatoes. His hands gripped into my hair, smacking my face into the floor.


    Gaining consciousness hurts. My face throbbed, especially my nose. My eyes stun, trying to open then as much as I could. 

    Aaron had me tied to a chair in his room. Fuck. Fuck, I really messed up. He's gonna kill me, or worse.

    "Are you alright? Lift your head up." Aaron spoke from behind me, coming around to face me.

        "Sheesh, I didn't mean to hurt you that badly. Sorry, Sunshine." Aaron booped my nose, then took out a pocket knife. I didn't speak, it might piss him off.

"I know it's hard adjusting, especially with your baggage. Don't worry, I will help out with that." Aaron used the knife to cut the top of my shirt, ripping it enough to expose only above my chest.

"But, you definitely need a reminder." Aaron suddenly tilted my head, lifting a bottle of liquor. He poured it down, making my throat burn. I don't drink much, and this stuff was really strong! The smell burned my nostrils.

I coughed a bit, wanting to puke.

"That should help with pain." Aaron smiled, before shoving a rag in my mouth to gag me. You'd think I'd be crying, but I've never been the type to do that. I could only sit and watch.

"Stay still, it'll make it worse if you fight me." Aaron slowly frowned, lifting the knife and pressing into my skin. He started to cut into me, right above my heart.

I couldn't scream, I couldn't kick or fight. I tried to struggle a little, but he was right. It hurt more as he moved the knife. I tried seeing what he was carving, but his hands were in the way!

"There we are." Aaron sat back, super proud of himself. He pulled the rag out, then untied me.

"Go, fuck, yourself." I mumbled, refusing to let him help me stand. He even let me leave the room. My legs felt wobbly, but I had to see.

I locked myself in the bathroom, and froze the second I saw myself in the mirror.


He carved his fucking name one me!?!??

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