Chapter Seven

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I refused to leave my room. Several times someone came in to check on me, asking if I'm ready to come out. I bet it's because Jill told them to do that. She really was adamant about me getting out of my room.

    Yesterday really freaked me out. They say Darkness isn't real, but how did he know Aaron was stalking me? Jill makes me say the daily reminder every time, but he was looking out for me this time. Right?

    I mostly didn't wanna leave my room because of how much Aaron can just watch me the whole time. Why won't he leave me be?

    "Macy? Can I come in?" Someone asked before opening the door. I didn't have to look to recognize the voice of Karin. Karin is kinda the supervisor, what does she want?

    "You wanna come with me? You have a visitor." She smiled at me. A visitor? I already stood up from my chair. She walked beside me, and I finally looked up at her.

    She's so tall, always wearing heels and her long black hair in a braid. She's nice, but I always have a weird vibe with her.

    Karin led me to the visitor room, showing Jack waiting for me.

    "Jack!" I ran for his hug. I missed him so much, he always makes time for me.

        "How are you holding up?" Jack asked me, sitting down.

    "Oh, I think I have a stalker here. If that's even possible." I told him. He'll have to agree Aaron is creepy. Jack blinked at me, with a raised brow.

    "What do you mean a stalker? You sure it ain't someone with a disorder?" How could he ask that?!

    "No, he's insane but not like that. He stares at me all the time. Oh and the other day he trapped me in a room!" I tattled in a whisper. Jack sighed, leaning forward to whisper with me.

    "Ok, listen to me." His voice became stern. "Talk to Dr. Mackle, and I'll talk to mom and dad about maybe transferring you to a different wing." He told me. I shook my head,

    "Transfer him! I'm fine with Chelsea." I don't care if I sounded like a child, but I needed him away from me. Jack grabbed my hands, giving them a squeeze.

    "I did talk to mom and dad about bringing Reid with me next visit." Jack slowly smiled. I smiled at him.

        "Please please tell me they said yes. I really wanna see him." I begged. Reid is our 4 year old brother. Me and Jack may seem like hateful people, but definitely not with Reid.

"Yes, on one condition." Jack paused, looking like he couldn't figure out how to say it.

"You have to write an apology letter, for Janie Anne." Jack

clearly was disgusted by that as much as I was.

    "What? Jack you know I didn't do it-" Jack held his hand up to stop me.

    "I know, but you should still do it. Don't you wanna see Reid?"

    "I didn't do it." I repeated. Jack sighed, getting frustrated with me. Still, I'm always glad to see him.

        "I'll think about it." I told him. He nodded, knowing I'm probably lying. Still he hugged me before leaving, at least Jack could never be scared of me.


    I still stayed in my room. Chelsea tried getting me to go to activity time, but I refused. Instead, I want to try to remember that day. Jack may not believe me but he is still on my side. I need to remember what happened to help prove it wasn't me.

    I tried doing what I do for Jill, but it's harder when you're not talked threw it.

    Blurred vision is always first. Then I start smelling the blood, hearing the screams.

    Janie Anne in front of me. Didn't Jill ask about my hands once? My hands were dirty, I could feel something wet on my palms. Blood. Is there a weapon? I'm not holding anything. She was stabbed, but I'm not holding anything.

    "Sunshine." A voice snapped me out of it. I launched up, bonking my head on something. Someone groaned in pain, who was in here?! I rubbed my noggin, sitting up more in bed.

    "Owie! Why did you headbutt so hard?" They asked. Wait, that's Aaron's voice. I leaned over to switch the light on. Aaron rubbed his head, giving me a cheeky smile.

        "Get out!" I nearly screamed at him. Why was he in here!?! Aaron sighed, rolling his eyes at me. He ignored my protest, coming over to sit on the bed.

    "Aaron seriously, leave me alone!" I ran to the door, pointing out to the hallway.

    "But I wanna talk to you. You've been hiding in here for a while, Sunshine." He smiled smugly at me.

    "Don't call me that." I yelled before I left the room. If he won't leave then I will. What is his deal!?

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