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Russo and JP are twins with Jparty being their older brother. Their father is 1x1x1

Russo and JP used to throw scissors at each other and chase each other with knifes.

JP is the favorite.

1x1x1 is actually a pretty good father.

Kreek is seen as a father by Booshot, Chizeled and Timmeh.

Booshot got happy when he found out his suit was going to be matching with Bella. (If only he knew)

Woozlo has fire powers.

Devoun's wings are real.

Alberts wings are also real.

The reason Sketch has the censor bar is because once he had this really bad glitch that would glitch out part of his body parts, they got it fixed, but the one for the eyes still stays.

Woozlo takes Useless wherever he goes.

Denis is an okokokok person while Albert is a lalalala person.

Dani Jake and Denis always bugs each other.

Kreek and Tanqr are very self centered.

Ok that's all

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