62 but its The Silent Screams

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Peetah: Shouldn't get stressed out, it's not good for the baby.
Anix: What baby?
Peetah, crying a bit: Me.

Ashley: Welcome to my very first vlog, in which I try different hair products!
Ashley: *sprays hairspray in their mouth*
Ashley: Well, right off the bat I can tell you this one is not very good.

Rxses: I think we should have glow stick juice injected in our bones when we're born, so if we break our bones, we get a fun little surprise.
Ashley: What's the surprise?
Akeila: Blood poisoning.

Alaska: Good morning!
Regain, checking their watch: Correct.

Ashley, to Alaska: One universe, nine planets, seven seas, seven continents, and I had the unfortunate luck of meeting you.
Peetah: Hey, that's not very nice-
Alaska: There are only eight planets, you uncultured swine!
Peetah, forgetting about Ashley: VIVA LA PLUTO, FUCK YOU!

Faulty: Guys, there's a monster under my bed and it's really ugly.
Regain, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, fuck you.

Bubliie: Don't go to the kitchen.
Robuilds: Why?
Bubliie: I saw a spider.
Robuilds: Well, did you kill it?
Bubliie: It has 8 arms and I only have 2, it's not fair...

Peetah: The greatest trick the devil ever played was getting me banned from an all you can eat pizza buffet.
Faulty: Why'd you get banned?
Peetah: Touched the rat.
Faulty: ... What rat?
Peetah: Chunky Cheese.

Lexi: Here is my wall of inspirational people.
Ashley: Is that a picture of you?
Lexi: Yes, I am big enough to admit that I am often inspired by myself.

Rxses: Man, I'm gonna get fat if you keep feeding me all these chips and junk!
Akeila: I'M NOT! I was eating them and you took them.
Rxses: You said I should try some!
Akeila: I said they were good.
Rxses: That's not how I heard it.

Alaska: Pick a card, any card.
Bubliie: Fine.
Alaska: Wait, that's my credit card!
Bubliie: You said any card.

BramP: I hate to say 'I told you so'—
Anix: No, you don't. You would marry 'I told you so' and have a baby with it and buy adjoining burial plots.

Alaska: Amazing! Faulty, your just like Sherlock Homeless!
Faulty: IT'S HOLMES!

Panda: Why do you not believe that ghosts are real?
BramP: Never seen one.
Panda: Okay, I mean, there's a lot of things that you can't see that are real.
BramP: What can't I see?
Panda: You can't see gravity. That's real.
BramP: Yeah, I can drop an apple.
Panda: Fuck.

Peetah: Am I going to far?
Regain: No, no, no. You went too far about 7 hours ago. Now you're going to prison.

Peetah: I've got a weapon, and I'm... admittedly VERY afraid to use it!

Regain: Uhh.. BramP just asked if we want to...
Regain: "Fell the mighty before their time and display their carcasses in our homes?"
Ashley, not even looking up from their phone: They're asking if you wanna cut down Christmas Trees.
Regain: Oh, that makes more sense.

Ashley: I've been described as a 'heartless villain' and a 'little shit', but I prefer... 'has alternative ways of having fun'.

Panda: BramP? You just drove through a stop sign without stopping.
BramP: I'll stop twice on the way back.

Ashley: Tell me a little about yourself.
Robuilds: I'd rather not, I really like this group.

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