if we have eachother

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if we have eachother


Liam had always been a hard worker. He worked long hours at the studio, came home exhausted, had a small meal in his lonely apartment, and went to bed. The next day, he did the same thing all over again. His job paid him well, but it had consumed his entire life. He didn't have time for friends or hobbies. He lived in a monotonous routine, and he was okay with that.

However, Liam's sisters, Sandra and Amelia, were worried about him. They knew that he had been working too hard and not taking care of himself. They decided to pay him a surprise visit to check on him. Sandra called Liam and told him that they were in town and wanted to see him. Liam was surprised but happy to hear from them. He agreed to meet them at his apartment on Saturday afternoon.

On the day of their visit, Liam cleaned his apartment and prepared some snacks for his sisters. He was excited to see them after a long time. When Sandra and Amelia arrived, Liam greeted them warmly and hugged them. They looked happy and relaxed, unlike Liam, who was tensed and stressed out.

"Wow, Liam, your place looks nice," Sandra remarked, looking around the well-decorated apartment.

"Thanks, Sandra. It's nothing fancy," Liam replied, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"We brought some DVDs to watch. Do you have a DVD player?" Amelia asked, holding a stack of movies.

Liam nodded, feeling relieved that his sisters had come prepared to spend the afternoon with him. They settled on the couch, and Amelia put on a romantic comedy. The three siblings chuckled and shared popcorn. Liam felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. He hadn't laughed like this in a while. He had forgotten how much he had missed his sisters.

After the movie, Sandra and Amelia suggested they take a walk to the park. Liam hesitated, but his sisters insisted. The fresh air and the greenery were refreshing for Liam, who had been locked up in his office cubicle for so long.

They talked about old times, their childhood memories, and their parents. Liam listened intently as his sisters reminisced about their childhood mischief. He had almost forgotten how delightful and carefree life had been then.

As the sun began to set, the trio headed back to Liam's apartment. Amelia suggested they order some pizza for dinner, and Liam agreed. They talked more, laughed more, and watched more movies. Liam felt relaxed and at ease, like he had been living in a cocoon all along, and his sisters had opened it up for him to breathe.

As the night grew late, Sandra and Amelia informed Liam that they had to leave. Liam felt sad that the joyful day was coming to an end. But he also felt grateful that his sisters had come to spend the day with him. He hugged them tightly, expressing his gratitude for their company.

After his sisters left, Liam felt a pang of loneliness. He looked around the empty apartment and sighed. However, he couldn't shake off the happy moments he shared with his sisters. It had been ages since he had enjoyed life so much.

Liam decided to take some time off from work the following week. He had a lot of leave pending, and he deserved a break. He spent the week visiting his sisters, going on hikes, watching movies, and even trying out a new hobby. For once, Liam felt like he was living a fulfilling life. He had missed so much in his pursuit of work.

When Liam returned to work after his break, he felt different. He was more productive, creative, and had a positive attitude. His colleagues noticed the change in him and complimented him.

Liam knew that his sisters had given him the push he needed to break free from the monotony of his life. He realized that he needed to balance his work and his personal life, and he was grateful that his sisters had helped him see that.

Right Kind Of Wrong (Elizabeth Olsen x M! Reader x Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now