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Falak rushed inside the bedroom and sit before hrt mother inlaw, wiped her tears with her hands.

"What happened?
Why are you crying?"she ask worried.

"Falak I'm sorry,
You are not going back to that house, i will send someone to get your stuffs from your house and you will go back to your dad."the middle age lady say witha sniff a look of regret on her face.

Falak furrow her brow.
"Why mum? What's wrong.

"Falak why?
Why did you keep quiet,
How can he be treating you that way and you didn't speak up?

"Mum I'm fine,
Don't i look good to you?

"Why are you still covering up for him?
He hates you, i know malik very well he can be very self willed, this is wrong falak, I'm noy allowing you to go back, fu,ad told me but i just don't want to believe but after hearing all this meanful things from his mouth, i won't let you go back to that house."

"Mum don't lose hope, malik can change and he will change insha Allah, don't you think he care, if he can make get treated, mum i can speak and hear and it's all because of him, malik will change mum just have some faith."falak say grabbing her mother in law hand with a weak smile.

"Look at your hands falak and don't give me the accidental excuse, he did this to you, i know he did."his mum say looking falak burn scar on her palm.

"Tell me how many times he's raised his hand on you.

She shake her head."no."falak say with a smile.

"You are lieing falak,
This is wrong i won't let you go back,
I feel really guilty and responsible,
He doesn't want you with him he just said it."she gesture outrageously.

Malik is my husband, there is my matrimonial home, he's the only one that can send me out,
why do you want to end the marriage, if he doesn't want me he will send me out willingly but there's no point instigating him to do so, please don't tell dad about it, malik is just under pressure and that will upset him even more, let him send me out when he wants, if he does i leave but i don't want anyone to do that, let him make that decision himself, i believe he's matured enough to know right from wrong and make decision for himself."falak say as her mother inlaw shake her head placing her hand on her forehead.

"Falak this is too much and i can't bare to see you continue like this."

"I knoe mum bur let's give him time."falak say.

It's been months falak how many more time does he need."

"As much as he needs, he will change.

"And if he doesn't?" Her mother inlaw ask and falak smile.

"And we will give him hundreds more tome and chances."she say

"What if he choose to divorce you.

"Then its his choice and I'd know ive tried my best, mum malik is my husband if I'm not patience with him who should i be patience with."

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