212 21 14

Written by: khadyjatt



Curiosity is never her thing, digging into stuff or wanting more than she's been in formed doesn't really bothers her but right now she wished she had paid more attention to stuffs, the most significant details of her life, Like when her dad left with there mum for treatment and came back saying she passed away , she was a child but even then she knows dead bodies where brought home and buried,
That night before they left, why would her dad not care to go back for her sister, she's devastated and at same time confused,
Why would her mum left and why did her dad said she died, even her sister is alive they send him letters after letters but he never tell her even for once,
All this questions would have been easily answered if he is alive, she look down at the picture in her hand.

All the family pictures she isn't among, the one she is in she was about 1year or so and there's one where a lady hold a baby and another child probably about 3years standing next to her she hate the fact that there's striking resemblance between she and the lady, she he put everything back into the backpack and sigh, she has ransacked the entire house and there's nothing just a piece of paper she found  with an address roughly scribble on it which she take it with her.
All this addressed been stamp on the letter shows Iraq, so she's certain her mum and sister are there, she's going to write a letter telling them there dad passed away and inquire about her identity, she hate complications and her life seems to be full of that, she stood up from the bedroom floor when the door burst open making her to look up.

She barely throw a glance at him, she just walk to the table and grab the water bottle she came with.

"Excuse me."she say with her head down because billahillazi his sight alone upset her, she has never been this angry toward a single soul like she is with Malik.

He massage between his eyes with a sigh.

"Fuck!"he swore and falak pushed him from her front, she doesn't know why she do actually thought Malik would apologize when he came and when he didn't but rather cussed she feel even more useless.

"Falak stop."He say and she turn, they stare at each other for good 5minutes without a word before falak hiss and turn to leave, this time Malik grab her by the hand she did the only reflex thing on her mind,
She slapped him, sending his face to the left.

" you know your face irk me and to be clear with you it makes me angrier than I am."she spat and turn to leave but he grab her hand making her to fling.

He gaze back at her and he could still see it, his faint imprinted hand mark on her cheek, his heart dropped to his stomach and he coil his toes at the sight.

"Falak l......he try coming closer but she pushed him.

"You just go away, isn't this what you want?
For me to be out of your life?
Well I'm doing that so stop acting like you do care because you don't and I don't need your stupid pity, I don't need you to be alive malik."

She kept her gaze on him and he breathe in to calm his thoughts, he rubbed down the lines of his nose and pinch the tip at same time facepalm clearly frustrated, he's no good with words, what's he gonna say.

"Look I know this is all messed up and we gotta fixed it, I'm not gonna apologize if that's what you are anticipating, you shouldn't have pissed me off in the first place I warned you, but you always proved to be stubborn and........

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