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Book me a late flight to jordan this evening and make sure you forward those files to me before 8pm."he said to whoever through the line as he enter the kitchen.

"I don't care just do as i say."he say and hung up the phone, he drop it on the kitchen island and walk to the cabinet, he remove the mug and walk pass her standing by the microwave probably waiting.

He glance at her as he open the fridge suprise she didn't say a word to him.

"Didn't fu,ad took you to the school?"He ask grabbing the honey from the fridge and shut it close.

"He did." She answer dryly as and turned her eyes to him and roll them with a low hiss which his ear didn't miss it.

"Did you finish the registration process?"he ask opening the fridge again, he drop the honey and remove the dates from the fridge and she humm in response.

He turned to her and notice the hard face making him to grimace,
*what's with her* he wonder.

"Don't you like the school?"He ask just in time the microwave ding and she open it without a word.

"He will take you to a different school tomorrow."

She reach for the spoon holder and grab one.

"Are you alright?"He sneered already irritated by her attitude.

"I don't have a problem with the school, it's fine." "She say opening the fridge.
He didn't miss the anger and pain in her voice but just went back to wjat he's doing.

"Do you want to visit your dad?"he ask and she glance at him but didn't say a word.

"Are you really okay?"he say with a scowl on his face.


"You will visit your mum then.
Where did she live?"he ask sipping on his tea as he bite on the dates.

"In the grave.

"she's dead?

"No, she's asleep in the grave."she say already fed up with his questions.

"Are you really okay?"

"I am."her voice cracked and she drop the food on the island.

"You aren't,
What's wrong?.

"And why are pretending to care?
I am not in the mood, i am perfectly fine."she say turning to leave but he grab her by the hand and twirled her to face him.

"What's wrong with you?"he demand dropping the mug on the kitchen island.

"She shake her head with a sniff and remove his hand from hers.

"Falak!"he call but she grab the water from the kitchen sland and leave.


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