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WRITTEN BY:khadyjatt



The next few days pass by dully, digging and trying to find any significant information that would reconnect him with his biological parent all efforts seem in vain but giving up has never been something Malik does.

"How about you don't tell me what to do and just do as I say?
I don't need your opinion or any ones."

"And I'm telling you the harsh reality,
Forget the difference she wants to be with her husband but you are the only one who can make her do that,
She's fucking lovesick, she missed her husband.........

"Just do as I say,
I send the money take her to the fucking hospital and quit nagging." he cut the call and drop the phone on the table frustrated, he pinch the bridge of his nose and release some air out his mouth.

"You know the right thing to do,
Dude what you are doing is wrong and I promised you this digging into the past will bring nothing but havoc haven't you learned that already?
Had it been you gave that picture back to
Falak the previous day without you going all your way to know things you would be happy today and now you want to know what?
Your biological parents?
Who cares about who gives birth to a child?
You have a father and mother who brought you up with love and..........

This should be the last time you will start this stupid conversation with me,
How about you leave me alone and face your own life,
I don't need you or anyone to tell me what I want or how I want to live, my Fucking life my rules...........

"You need someone to tell you that you are a pile of shit,
I mean this man raised you with love as a son,
But you are been a complete twat,
You left his business and everything, he called you didn't pick up, he came you refused to attend to him,
What do you want?
The woman you claimed to love is lying sick She is okay she just needs her husband and you are the only one to make that happen but as always you put yourself first in everything,
You don't care what you did would affect those people you claimed to love,
Or how excited do you think your mum would be if you went ahead searching for a woman who left you after she gave birth to you because she felt you would be a burden or whatever responsibility,
I thought after learning this whole thing you would do better, like trying to prove to them you are a good son, settle your differences, and start a family with your wife, come on Malik, sometimes in life we do things because it's the right thing to do, we don't have to always do what we want."

"Says who?
I do what I want and please, I'm not going to fake emotions just to please a man that hides the truth from his family, you mind your fucking business and stay out of shit that doesn't concern you,
I don't care what you or anyone think,
I do what my instinct told me to which is to know my root, if you ain't helping then fucked off.
My mum would do just fine with or without him,
Pretty sure she's better off without him in her life."

"Did you even hear yourself?
You sound like ............

"Leave my house,
I don't want you around me, don't you have anything to do stop hovering around me trying to detect what I should or shouldn't do with my life, you don't hold such standards for me to abide by what you said,
I mean how many more humiliations do you want me to do for you understand that I don't need you in my life?
Leave me the fuck alone simple as that."Mubeen stared at Malik for a while, as bad as his words hurt the only reason he is still around is that he owe Malik dearly with his life despite his conceited attitude he would never leave a friend in need he's proven that to him numerous of time back then in the military and he did know what he's been through, but this instant he's had enough, Malik should face his problem alone, he should do his things his way and face whatsoever obstacle perhaps that would make him learn his lesson, but at the same time it irks him and terrified him to leave Malik all by himself, dude is already lost in life he would juggle himself and ended up doing something horrible but he need Malik to understand that it's okay to allow people to help and that sometimes we just can't do shit in our own.

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