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Porsche was 15 in an orphanage. His parents died when he was only 5 and he barely had any memories of them. Today was his 15th brithday.

Porsche decided to walk to the backyard of the orphanage to visit the sunflower that he planted a few days ago. The sunflower seeds were given by the principal of the orphanage. She had always loved porsche and has seen him as her own child as he was always so polite, helpful as Porsche always tries to help as much as he could. But he never talked much because of the incident that traumatized him when he was 7.


Porsche was kidnapped and locked in a cold, dark room. 

He panicked when he woke up and struggled hard to free himself from the ropes that were tying him to a bed. 

Porsche's parents were the head of a mafia clan and they were killed right in front of Porsche's eyes brutally. Porsche witnessed everything but there was nothing Porsche could do as he was told by his parents to hide in the cupboard and not to come out of it. But the person who shot Porsche's parents knew they had a beloved son so they never gave up finding Porsche as they wanted to wipe out the whole family.

They then found him and kidnapped Porsche when he was 7.

 Porsche stopped what he was doing immediately as he heard someone came in the room.

Porsche was blindfolded and tortured continuously for one whole week until Korn, his parents' best friend came and saved him. They then sent him to Blue orphanage. He never talked much since then but was always smiling, polite and helping with whatever he could.

But he never really had any friends as all of them think he is a weirdo by never playing with them. Porsche was called a misfortune by others and that's what made him afraid to be with others.

(Back to now)

The sunflowers that were planted by Porsche were blooming brightly and Porsche smiled happily after seeing it and he then  runs to take the water can to water the sunflowers. Just then he bumped into someone. He apologized profusely and bowed to the person.

Korn, his parents' best friend looked at Porsche who had just bumped in to him and laughed softly. He kneeled down and looked at Porsche. "Hey its okay Porsche, you remember me?"

Porsche was dumbfounded and he nodded his head after a few seconds.
"You are the one who saved me" said Porsche.

"Would u like to come live with us?" 

Porsche was shocked after hearing this. He stood there not knowing what to do.

Korn knew Porsche was scared so he then continued saying "I have a kid name Kinn who is the same age as you. I'm sure both of you will get along well"

Porsche kept quiet and thought for a while. He nodded then immediately shaked his head. He wanted a friend and a home but he was scared that he would bring misfortune to others. 

Korn knew what Porsche was thinking as the principal had told him all about it.

Korn then said " Why don't u give it a try?" 

Porsche looked at Korn , his eyes filled with excitement , and then slowly nodded his head.

In the afternoon, Porsche reached a huge mansion and the driver then helped Porsche down the car. 

Porsche stared at the mansion for a while and Korn then lead him inside. "You will be staying in Kinn's room".

Porsche explored the mansion and was soon tired as it was huge. Then he lays down on one of the bed to get some rest.

(Kinn's POV)

I came home from school when my father told me Porsche had arrived and was in my room. I opened the door and stared at Porsche. He was laying in my bed....? What the fuck is wrong with this guy? There was a bed right next to mine and he chose to slept on mine? My bed literally had my name engraved on the side. Is he blind?

"Mm" Porsche groaned softly as I had awoke him. He opened his eyes half sleepily and was shocked. He stood up immediately and smiled politely. 

I froze. He looked so gorgeous when he smiled, he looks so fucking handsome. Porsche shyly said " Hi my name is Porsche, nice to meet you. " I snapped back and stared at him and merely nodded and said "I'm Kinn." 

For the next few days we barely talked but he was always following me around and trying to talk to me. It was so godamn annoying. If it wasn't for my father telling me that he's an orphan, I wouldn't even bothered looking him in the eye. I merely pitied him.


(Porsche's POV)
Korn registered me to go to the same school as Kinn did. When Kinn was told about the news he slammed his plate on the table and walked away. I went to him but he ignored me. Did I do something wrong?

At school, I sat at the back row as Kinn didn't seem to want to talk to me. He seemed glad that I sat away from him. A guy came up to him after a while and kissed him on the cheek and they both hugged. I heard Kinn calling him Tawan. While the other guy named Tawan called him baby. I didn't like it. Something triggered in me. When school finished I walked back with Kinn but Kinn was busy talking to Tawan. 

Tawan noticed me and smirked at me and kissed Kinn again on the neck. He muttered something under his breathe which sounded like "pathetic loser, slut" .

I got mad and pushed Tawan away from Kinn angrily. The next second Kinn pushed me hardly and slapped me. He glared at me.

"hey back off, just because you live with me doesn't mean you get to control me" 

He kissed Tawan back and walked away. I lost my balance and had fell on the ground.I looked at Kinn as he walked away. I cried. Why did everyone hate me?

When I reached home, Korn saw my face and he knew something happened between me and Kinn as he saw Kinn's attitude towards me this morning. He roared at Kinn and questioned him. I tugged at Korn's shirt and explained that I slipped and fell which caused my right face to hit the table. I looked up at Kinn and he looked away. Korn sighed and asked Kinn to take good care of me at school while also asking me to be careful.

"Don't think that I will listen to you just because you protected me." said Kinn as he walks in the room.

Kinn threw some painkiller to me and some ointment to apply on my face.

I went to the bathroom and my heart hurts it felt like I can't breathe.  When I stepped inside, it was slippery and I fell again.

"Aaaaaaaaa "
"......Porsche....? HEY PORSCHE WHERE ARE YOU ?! PORSCHE!"

Blood was on the floor flowing profusely.

I blacked out and the next minute someone picked me up and that person was shouting while running outside. I closed my eyes. My head hurts so bad.

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