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Porsche and Kinn both woke up at 5 in the morning to prepare for the trip.
Porsche got really excited as he had never been overseas before and the fact that this is a honeymoon trip with Kinn just makes everything better.

Kinn and Porsche both wore matching shirts. Porsche wore a hoodie while Kinn wore a t-shirt but both had the matching symbols on it. After done preparing, both of them had breakfast together.

Porsche poked the food around with his fork for a while. He didn't really felt like eating but he still ate anyways, just a small portion. They reached the airport at 7.30 and started checking in and everything. Kinn did all the work while Porsche sat at the side looking around curiously.

At 8.30, they are allowed to board the plane, and they went first as they are first class.

(Porsche's pov)

Me and Kinn just boarded the plane . I feel sick. But since this is our first trip, I didn't tell Kinn about it because I didn't want to spoil the mood.

The good part is that the first class seat allowed me to lay down. I adjusted the seat with the help of the flight attendance to lay down. Kinn seemed to noticed that I wasn't in the right mood. He shot me a worried look. I gave him a small smile. Kinn walked to me.

"Baby, are you okay, you look pale"
"I'm fine" (I lied)
"you don't seem fine. Baby don't lie, tell me"
"hmm....I just feel a bit sick."

Kinn then touched my forehead to see if I got fever. And....I did.

Kinn searched his bag for the painkiller and surprisingly he also brought out fever medicine for me.

"how do you know I was gonna get sick"
"I just brought it, just in case"

I swallowed the medicine. Um..bitter. I frowned slightly. Kinn kissed me softly then places a kiss on the baby bump and asks me to get some sleep.

The plane took off in another 7 minutes and both me and Kinn went to sleep as we woke up pretty early.

I closed my eyes for god knows how long but I just couldn't sleep! I'm just scared cause this is my first time and Kinn isn't beside me! I unbuckled the seat belt, and walked to Kinn's place slowly. I rumaged through his bag trying to find his jacket to hug onto.

Where the heck is the jacket......
Ah, i found it.

As I was about to walk back to my place the plane shook a little and I fall over Kinn. Kinn frowned and glared over seeing who had woke him up.

Great. I'm dead meat.
I get up immediately but Kinn pulls me back into a warm hug when he realizes that it was me. His gaze immediately changes into a warm one.

"mm Kinn baby I'm sorry naa, I didn't mean to, I just wanted your jacket..."
"It's okay, don't apologize, are you alright?"
"feeling better?"
"here, take this. "

(He handed me another jacket)

"It's pretty cold so you can wear this one and hug the other one."

I smiled as he kisses me again.

"Thank you na"
"mm, I love you"
"Love you too"

I happily hopped back to my seat wearing Kinn's jacket. So this is what it feels like to be in love huh. Well, I admit it, I like this feeling of being in love and being loved by Kinn.


They both reached London at night.
When they walked down the plane, the cold breeze welcomed them and Porsche who was walking in front of Kinn immediately turned back and hugs Kinn, and snuggles his face into Kinn's shoulder trying to gain warmness by hugging Kinn . Kinn laughs at Porsche's reaction. He pinched Porsche's cheek making Porsche pout his lips in a cute way.

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