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Porsche couldn't really sleep at night, He kept tossing and turning all night long so in order to avoid waking Kinn up, he carefully and slowly slipped out of Kinn's arms and went to the couch to sleep. He found an extra blanket on the way so he took it with him. Porsche knew that Kinn is really tired as in order to go to the honeymoon trip which is one month long, he had to finish all of his work he had in that month early. Because it is short notice, Kinn burned the midnight oil continuously for three days and the dark circles under his eyes are really obvious these days. The bodyguards told Porsche all about it.

After some time, Porsche got really cold. The blanket he took was really short and it could only cover half of his body. He decided to get up and cook himself some noodles as he got hungry in the meantime.

He knelt down and was in the process of deciding which flavour of noodles he should eat when someone picked him up from the floor and carried him back to the bed. No question asked, obviously that someone, is Kinn.

"What are you doing out of bed hmm? Why did you sleep on the couch? Did I wake you? Is that why?"

"no, It's not like that, I couldn't really sleep and sometimes I get sick for no reason and I have to use the bathroom in that case so I'll wake you up. Big and Ken told me you are really tired and I noticed it myself too so I decided that I should just sleep on the couch. And plus, I'm a little hungry....."

"Baby, I can't sleep without you. You won't wake me up. You sleeping by my side is what makes me able to sleep comfortably. If you are feeling sick or you can't sleep, you can just tell me. I can cook for you too, I learned a lot of cooking skills. I'm your husband Porsche, I'm suppose to take care of you. You can be angry at me or kick me out of bed or whatever, I don't mind, just don't do that to yourself. And if you ever need anything, come to me. Please know that you can depend on me. And you're pregnant remember? I am the one who made you pregnant, and the doctor said that if you can't sleep and you get hungry easily, these are because you are pregnant. And It's our baby. So please don't do that again, hmm?"

"mm..okay...but you should get more rest..."

"I will, I can sleep afterwards. I finished my work early so I have a whole free month to myself. "

"okay....but...can I ask you for something?"

"yea? What is it?"

"I really want to eat noodles now....."

Kinn laughs.

"I'll go cook them now. What flavour do you want?"
"mm....the chicken soup flavour."
"okay. Now in the meantime, try sleeping, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. I'll wake you up when the noodles are done."
"I love you Kinn" Porsche smiles happily, he felt like a spoilt wife being pampered by Kinn. He's so loved by Kinn.
"I love you so much." says Kinn kissing Porsche on the forehead.

Then Kinn went to cook the noodles. Porsche lay in bed sleepily. It was around 3 am now and he starts to get a little tired. He takes one of Kinn's clothes from the wardrobe and cuddle it before sleeping. The clothes had Kinn's scent which is so soothing. He wrapped himself up using the blanket and slept peacefully.


Kinn had finished cooking the noodles. He grabbed a pack of snack he and Porsche bought yesterday on the way to the bedroom just in case Porsche wanted extra.

*Kinn opens the door softly, careful not to wake Porsche up*

He saw Porsche wrapping himself like a pupa in bed, curling up and he is holding Kinn's clothes, looking so cozy.
Kinn then sneaks in bed and hugs Porsche from behind. Porsche notices Kinn and opens the blanket to let Kinn get in then he wraps Kinn up using the blanket too. Porsche then buries his face in Kinn's shoulder.

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