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After Kinn and Porsche reached home, Porsche went to take a bath while Kinn was in the room doing his homework. Kinn went out to tell his pa what happened today. He struggled whether to tell his pa or not as he was scared others might think he likes Porsche. But at the end, he convinced himself that he would tell, only because he was worried for himself too.

Korn took matters seriously. He ordered two bodyguard to guard them whenever they were at school and sent them home, this time by car along with another car of bodyguards guarding them. Kinn didn't understand why Korn took it so seriously, but still he didn't say a thing.

When he went back in the room, he saw Porsche coming out of the bathroom. Porsche's shirt was drenched as his body was still wet so he took it off to change another one. Kinn stood there dumbfounded as he stared at Porsche's body, scanning his beautifully perfect body. He looked away immediately and coughed softly. Porsche got startled when he saw Kinn and immediately wore his shirt so fast that it sort of got stuck halfway. Porsche struggled to put it right but he can't. He pouted his lips. Kinn chuckled seeing Porsche like this. "How is he so fucking cute" he thought. He walked up and helped Porsche get his shirt right. Kinn smiled uncontrollably and looked down at Porsche while Porsche looked up meeting Kinn's warm gaze. Porsche had that shy ,cute, polite and embarrassed good look, and he was smiling while Kinn's gaze was soft and happy. Without realizing, Kinn adjusted Porsche's hair which was a bit messy as he just came out of the bathroom. His hand moved to Porsche's lips swiftly afterwards. Porsche stood frozen. Then, out of nowhere he thought it was a good idea to do something since Kinn wasn't in the right place. Porsche tiptoed trying to reach Kinn's ears, and whispered in Kinn's ear softly saying" Thank you naa for saving me. " He kissed Kinn's cheek then ran away fast.

Kinn snapped back after a few minutes. His hand was still stuck at the same position where he was trying to adjust Porsche's hair. He put it down slowly processing what had just happened. He realized what had happened and turned a little red.

"Fuck what did I just do"
Kinn got hard and he was frustrated when he realized.

It was normal, Kinn told himself.
"If it was anybody I would have reacted the same."


Porsche's Pov

Porsche!!! aaaaaaaaa what did you do?? What did I do! You kissed Kinn godammit, he had a boyfriend. Porsche sat at a corner of the kitchen, his legs wobbly after realizing what he did. He was screaming with excitement as it was the first time he kissed someone, even if it was on the cheek. But after a while he got scared. Kinn had hated him all along, what if Kinn tells Korn and Korn kicks Porsche out of the house? He didn't want that, he thought of all those times where people would kick him and step on him, hit him and make him beg for food. They would throw stones at him and take photos of him. No....no he didn't want that. He didn't mean to kiss Kinn, he just did that for no reason. He sat there trembling and comforting himself.

For the next few days, Kinn's mood was bad, Porsche had been avoiding him for god knows how long. When they looked at each other, something in Porsche's eye made Kinn worry. He remembered what Porsche said "Things like this always happen." What did Porsche mean? Have he experienced it before?

Kinn went to his pa's room and knocked the door. Korn looked at Kinn and motioned him to sit.

"Yes son?"
"Pa, have Porsche ever experienced anything... bad?"
".......did something happen?"
"no, It's just that Porsche told me the day someone pushed him onto the road that things like that always happen to him so I was just curious."
(*sigh*) he took out a file for Kinn.
"see for yourself"
Kinn hesitated before opening ut cautiously.
He stopped breathing for a minute when he saw what was inside.
It was pictures of Porsche being hung up on the ceiling tortured, beaten, then stepped on the floor. In the picture Porsche was bleeding and he was using his hands to protect himself.
The last photo made Kinn inhale a deep breath. It was a photo of Porsche's on the floor, his chest carved with the words "die". Porsche was crying , trembling in the picture.

Kinn was shocked.
What had Porsche been through all his life?

"He was at the age of 7 when the picture was taken. I got it from a camera that they kept when I fought the clan that tortured Porsche."
"He was in the orphanage ever since and the kids called him a weirdo because of the scars and Porsche was scared of others and never played with any of them"
"So i brought him in our house"

"he was so happy when he saw you Kinn..."
"When you talked to him, even if it was just a few words, he smiled so happily"
"Do be good to him and treat him well won't you my son? His parents told me to take care of him before they died. "

Kinn nodded his head. Words was stuck in his throat and unable to come out.


When Kinn went back to the room, Porsche panicked and decided to get out of the room when Kinn grabbed him by the wrist. Kinn pulled him back so hard that Porsche bumped into Kinn's chest.

Kinn hugged him without saying anything. To think of all this time how he mistreated Porsche and slapped him when Porsche was insecure that Tawan would take Kinn away.

"Porsche, I'm sorry"
He cried silently on Porsche's shoulder.

Porsche didn't know what to say
"why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong."

"I'm sorry for ignoring you for pushing you away."
"I know what happened to you and I promise I'll protect you from now onwards. No one will ever hurt you again "
"I'll protect you."

Porsche looked down. After a while he looked at Kinn and smiles happily
"you promise?"
"yeah I swear to god"
Porsche smiled brightly and said thank you.
then he inhaled a deep breathe and looked at Kinn seriously.
"Kinn....I.....I love you Kinn and I know you don't and this would never happen but let me finish, I want us to be together.I don't know why I love you and this is very sudden but I just do. "
Kinn laughed hearing this and hugged him tightly
"I'm not sure if I love you but you're something different from others, pure and....different. So, i might need some time, but if you are willing to, let's try?"

Porsche hugged him back and nodded. Then suddenly pushed him away.
"What about Tawan?"
"He didn't love me, he only loved me because he knew I was in the biggest mafia clan and had money. "
"....but you were boyfriends with him "
"....no one ever loved me, they think I'm a spoiled brat, Tawan did too but since he was willing to be my boyfriend so I just agreed"
"but...Tawan's gonna be sad"
Kinn laughed.
"Tawan had someone else on the outside, he just used me and I willingly let him cause I wanted to make it seem like others like me"

"I'll break up with him. I'm not a playboy, I promise. I'll treat you well."
"mm I trust you, I know that feeling of being...alone and desperate."

"well, we're both not now, we have each other yea?"
"yea "
Kinn slowly kissed Porsche.
"mm...Kinn na..."
"baby...can i call you baby?"
"I don't want that if you called Tawan that"
"I didn't, Tawan did, not me, I knew he didn't love me so why would I"
"mm fine"

Porsche looked at Kinn after kissing and said shyly, "you took my first kiss naa, you have to be responsible to me now"

Kinn was shocked

Kinn was so happy he laughed hard kissing porsche's soft lips, exchanging saliva and tongue tangling around each other not wanting to let go of each other.

"I fucking promise I will be responsible to you for the rest of my godamn life." said Kinn.

(Hey y'all a note from me to you guys saying that next few chapters will be Tawan's revenge and might be a bit emotional (in my opinion) idk how y'all think about it but we'll see. Do comment what u guys think so far, I might add some changes.Sorry if yoy don't like it.I'm trying my best.)

Btw sorry this chapter Kinn and Porsche got together so suddenly cuz I just can't bear them being seperated for long.

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