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(A week has passed since Kinn saw Porsche)

This morning, Kinn saw Porsche making breakfast as usual and he was standing there at the kitchen frowning, out of ideas about what to make for breakfast.

Kinn thought he looked cute like that.

He was about to grab his chance and maybe talk to Porsche but Tankhun saw it and immediately pulls Porsche away.

Porsche then only realizes that Kinn had been standing there for god knows how long.

Kinn glared at Tankhun. He suddenly got mad for no reason. He had this urge to just go up to Tankhun and snatch Porsche away from him.

Porsche gave him a small helpless smile and waved goodbye to him as Tankhun drags Porsche outside to eat breakfast. (Tankhun was determined to keep Porsche away from Kinn) So in order to do that Tankhun went outside to eat breakfast at a restaurant with Porsche.

Porsche doesn't hate spending time with Tankhun. He admits that Tankhun might get crazy sometimes, but he can get really serious at times too. He treats Porsche like his own brother and he loves Porsche so much. He would always comfort Porsche and helps him out whenever he's in trouble. He's like a big loving brother that Porsche never had.

But, the problem is, he misses Kinn.
He misses him so badly.

He just wants to see Kinn even if it is for a few seconds. But Tankhun didn't allow that. Porsche knows that whatever Kinn did in this period is just because he lost his memory. He knows that Kinn doesn't mean it.

He still loves Kinn as much as he does like last time. After all, Kinn had loved him like no one else ever did. Kinn would always make him feel so special.


"Tankhun....can't I just see Kinn for a while"

"No Porsche, remember how he treated you? That bastard brother of me doesn't even regret it AND he doesn't even realize what a huge dumb mistake he made."

"but he didn't mean it, It's only because he doesn't remember. He loves me a lot, you know that. You used to complain about us all the time being too lovey dovey."

"(sighs) Porsche my baby, the strategy is to make him regret and come begging for forgiveness. How come you're the one to come begging to see him instead?"

"I just really miss him...."

Tankhun saw the look in Porsche's eyes. A mixed feeling rised inside him. He didn't know what to do anymore.

He wanted Porsche and Kinn to be happy together. But Kinn keeps hurting Porsche nowadays and sooner or later, Porsche might actually leave them. But seeing Porsche being sad because he can't see Kinn makes his heart ache.

"okay okay fine I give up. BUT LISTEN TO ME FIRST. You are allowed to see Kinn only in secret. Only a small peep. You are still not allowed to go near him or even make breakfast for him or do anything for him. AND you CANNOT touch him. Deal?"

"Deal !" Porsche's eyes gleamed in happiness.

"Thank you brother Tankhun! I love you so much na krub. You're the best"

Tankhun laughs after hearing this. He hugs Porsche and then they both ate breakfast together happily.


In the evening, Kinn was in his room and mind this, he was in a very bad mood. He told the bodyguards to not allow anyone inside his room and to not disturb him.

Porsche on the other hand was waiting patiently for Kinn to come out of his room. He was trying to get a sneak peek of Kinn.

He waited for a little while and he got bored. He poked the baby bump boringly.

"why isn't your daddy coming out of his room? I miss him so much......When he gets back his memory, let's both bully him."

Then a huge black shadow appears out of the blue beside Porsche. Porsche jumps as he hears Kinn's sound.

"hmm, planning something?"

Porsche immediately stands up. He gave Kinn a both guilty and innocent smile.

Kinn smiles seeing Porsche like this but immediately hides his smile the next second. He didn't want Porsche thinking he let his guard down.

Kinn looked around and made sure Tankhun wasn't around.

"Any discomforts these days?" asks Kinn.

"huh?" Porsche tilted his head to the side, being confused.

"you know...you're pregnant so.."
"oh, not really, I just have some cravings and mood swings sometimes, but that's it. Maybe once in a while I feel sick but it's fine"
"mm...good to hear."
"thanks for asking...um so how's your work going?"

Kinn looks up at Porsche.

"Oh I'm sorry I don't mean to pry or anything I just wanted to talk..."

"it's okay, I get it. My work's fine, except well my pa thinks that one of the person I'm dealing with in work is the one who injected the poison in me"

Porsche immediately gets serious.

"who is it? Are you still working with him? I think you should stop working with him...He might try to harm you again"

Dead silence filled the hallway for a few seconds.
Then suddenly Kinn bursts out laughing.

"mm, I'll take note of that. Don't worry. Thanks for caring"

And for the first time ever since Kinn lost his memory, Kinn smiled at Porsche.

Porsche felt his heartbeat increasing rapidly. He blushed. Kinn looks so handsome while smiling.

Kinn notices Porsche blushing and he smiles brighter. He pats Porsche on the head softly.

"I think I'll head back to my room now before Tankhun comes and scold me"

"oh...okay...did he scold you the other day?" Porsche asks worriedly.

"yes...and no." Kinn said that so that Porsche wouldn't worry.

"well...okay, I'll see you around then..."

Porsche waves goodbye and turns back walking to his room happily when Kinn suddenly calls him.


Porsche immediately turns back and looks at Kinn.


"Do keep it a secret about just now won't you?" said Kinn as he smiles softly to Porsche.

Porsche nods his head and runs away feeling shy all of a sudden.

Kinn stands there while looking at Porsche running away shyly.

These few days without Porsche was hard. He felt this throbbing pain and loneliness everytime he thinks about Porsche. There's always a voice in his head telling him to love Porsche but his ego and his guard stopped him to.

But just now when he talks to Porsche, it's as if all his bad mood vanishes in a click. All these complicated feeling vanishes. He feels happy and he had this thought that he wants to stay with Porsche forever.

There's also another feeling.


Kinn didn't know what to do anymore.
He looks at the picture of the both of them in his room. They seemed so happy together.

Should he give Porsche a chance?

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