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Kinn had to attend a bidding event today. The item was a few necklaces and rings made out of pure gold or silver. Kinn thinks these events are useless as he doesn't wear those, but he attend them as his pa asked him to.

As Kinn's clan was the most powerful and biggest clan, he had to attend it. Korn suggested that Porsche should follow Kinn.

Kinn didn't dare disobey his pa so he reluctanly agreed. Porsche got dressed up.

Porsche wore a suit that made him look so gorgeous that he was sure no one could take their eyes of him. His plan was to make Kinn keep his eyes on him.
He knew there will be plenty of people that are dressed up beautifully at that event so, in order for Kinn to not look at others, he wore a suit that made him look quite sexy so Kinn wouldn't take his eyes of him.

Although Porsche's baby bump was quite obvious, he still looked gorgeous as ever. He was considered slim even if he was pregnant.

When Porsche walks downstairs, Kinn saw him and Kinn immediately stood rooted to the ground. His eyes were magically stuck on Porsche.

Porsche just looks so fucking perfect.

He doesn't even notice Porsche had already walked up right in front of him. Porsche waved his hand in front of Kinn, then only Kinn snapped back.

Porsche smiles knowing his plan had already worked.

The driver drove both of them to the event place. Kinn walked out followed by Porsche. Immediately, everyone's eyes was on Porsche.

Kinn could hear people praising Porsche and admiring his beauty from far away. He got frustrated.

As Kinn walks in, they both sat at the VIP table that was reserved for them. Porsche couldn't drink any alcoholic drinks so he just sat there quietly.

Porsche noticed many people wearing sexy outfits and their body was perfect. Some of the girls were even staring at Kinn and trying to get his attention. Porsche got insecure immediately.

As the bidding started, a gold necklace came first. Kinn didn't bother raising the card to bid as he didn't like it.

To be honest, he was not even planning to bid at all.

Time flew and the last item came. It was a simple silver necklace but there were diamonds engraved all around it and for some reason, it was the most beautiful and attractive one out of all.

The necklace was pushed along the aisle to let everyone have a good look at it. Just as Porsche was staring, admiring the necklace, one of the men from another rich clan came and sat beside him.

"Hey. Nice to meet you."

Porsche did not expect anyone to talk to him.
Porsche thought he looked familiar too.

"you look gorgeous"
"thank you, you look really nice too"
"can I buy you a drink? Anything"
"no thanks I'm good. I'm pregnant actually"
"....wow congrats. Who is that lucky guy?"
"well, it's Kinn's. He's sitting right beside as you can see."

The person looked up and immediately met Kinn's furious and dangerous gaze.

That person smiled immediately.

"Ah, you're Porsche aren't you?"
"yeah...how did you know"
"I work with Kinn. I'm Eason. I never told you or Kinn my name and you have never seen me before so you probably don't recognize me."

Porsche then remembered him immediately. He was the guy that they suspect. He got alerted.

"oh...it's you.."

"Well, nice to meet you Kinn"

Kinn merely nods.

"Kinn, why don't you borrow Porsche to me for a while?"
".....what do you mean?"
"well, I would like to know what it's like having such a gorgeous man beside me"

Then Eason leaned in and kisses Porsche lightly on the hand.

Kinn flared up.
"I never said you could have him"
"well, is that a no then?"
"come on, you can have so many others, let me have Porsche."
"...he's my wife."
"one week"
"3 days"
"one day"
"oh come on Kinn, I've been working with you for so long"
"he's my wife."
"okay well I can't do anything about it. Pity me I guess. Anyways, (winks at Porsche and kisses him on the cheek) I'll be going for now. I'll see you around the corner gorgeous"

Kinn was burning in anger.
He slammed the glass drink on the table angrily.

He glared at Porsche. Porsche didn't know what to do.

Just as Kinn thought things were worse, it got even worse. Eason was sitting right opposite. He raised his card and bid for the necklace.

"50000 for the necklace and It shall be for the gorgeous man in front of me"

Kinn snatched the card off the table.

He shot Eason a dangerous look warning him.

"70000" said Eason calmly still smiling at Porsche and Kinn.




Immediately the whole room went silent. Kinn's bidding price went way higher than the original price of the necklace. In fact, no one has ever raised such a high price.

"....." Eason didn't say no more. He shuts up knowing he lost. He merely bites his lip and sulks.

"SOLD to Khun Kinn"

Kinn then took the necklace and he went back home furiously. On their way out after the event, Kinn's hand was placed around Porsche's waist and he held Porsche close to him, keeping an eye out for anyone that stares at Porsche, especially Eason.

"Why wouldn't you just stop talking to him? Can't you see he's trying to flirt with you? You call yourself my wife, yet you're talking freely to another man who's trying to get you"

"I'm not. I was just answering what he asked. I even told him I'm pregnant with your baby"

"....." (sighs)

Kinn then takes the necklace he bid for 100000 and he helps Porsche wear it.

"I noticed that you seem to like the necklace"


"well, it's yours."

"thank you"

Kinn then said goodnight to him and walks back to his room.

Porsche was sad that Kinn didn't trust him. But he was also happy as his plan worked. Kinn was jealous. That means Kinn still loved him deep inside even if he lost his memory.

Porsche looks at the necklace that Kinn helped him wear. He smiles softly. At least Kinn cares about him.

But that Eason guy....he seemed...weird.
He had that strange look in his eyes.

Tankhun told Porsche that Kinn will be meeting Eason next month and Porsche had a bad feeling about it. He wanted to persuade Kinn not to go but he knew Kinn was too stubborn to listen.

Porsche felt like something is going to happen.


(Eason's pov)

Eason was sitting in his room holding a picture of Kinn and Porsche together.

He looks at it and tears it into pieces then threw it in the bin. He burned it.

"You killed my love (Tawan) and now I'll kill yours"

"I'll be waiting Kinn"

"I'll make sure you watch him suffer slowly. Because of you."

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