Epilogue 4

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Porsche wrapped himself in the thick and warm blanket, looking like a pupa in bed.

He didn't want to get out of bed. He felt so sleepy.

Kinn woke up at the crack of dawn as usual to work. He would work at home alternately.

And today is the day where he is working at home.

He chose to work at home most of the days as Porsche was pregnant - now 3 months.

Kinn made breakfast.

He wanted to go out the streets and buy Porsche's favourite food but he battled with his inner self and then decided that cooking is healthier for Porsche.

He searched for recipes that are healthy and delicious for pregnant people that suit Porsche's taste.

Porsche was rather picky nowadays.

Unlike the first pregnancy where he wasn't so picky and would basically just eat everything except meat.

Kinn searched for half an hour frowning at the screen as he came to a conclusion that none of the recipes fit what he was looking for.

He sighs as he gets up then went to the kitchen and decided to just make something up himself.

He cracked an egg, fried it just the way Porsche likes, sunny side up with a pinch of salt and a little lemon juice.

Then he made a sandwich with chocolate (Porsche's favourite) and some peanuts, tomatoes, veggies, and tomato sauce.

(Porsche had some unusual cravings but who cares.)

Kinn then made pancakes too and he tried his best to draw three people in the small pancake which represents him, Porsche and Emerald but alas and alack, the ending was of course - well, he failed.

There was three stick person in the pancake but they look weird.

Kinn sighs defeatedly at his drawing.

He definitely wasn't made to be cooking.

He suck at this.

He chewed the pancake that he fried with three stickman on it.

Then he tried again.

Thankfully, it looked better but it wasn't up to Kinn's standard so he ate it again.

Then again and again and again.

And finally after the 5th failed pancake, Kinn finally made a perfect nice looking one - without burning it of course.

He burned the last two.

Kinn felt full at the moment as he had already ate 5 pancakes. Two half burned.

He made three perfect pancakes and then poured some honey and chocolate on it then added a scoop of chocolate ice cream for Porsche.

Kinn then places them beautifully on a tray and decorated it with petals beside.

He checked everything.

Sandwich - done.
Pancakes - done.
Eggs - done.

Oh, he forgot the drinks.

He poured a cup of apple juice for Porsche.

Then made a cup of coffee for Porsche just in case he wanted some.

Then he decorated some more and then proudly took it up to their room for Porsche.

He placed the tray softly on the bedside table as Porsche continued snoring softly.

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