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The next day Kinn announced that Porsche was pregnant and everyone was surprised. He called Vegas, Pete,Tankhun and some other close friends that he knew from other clans. Pete was screaming in excitement while Vegas asking him if he wants one too. Tankhun wanted to hold a party for Porsche but Kinn rejected saying that Porsche needs rest as the doctor told them that Porsche might get easily tired during the pregnancy period as he is only 18.

Kinn also told them that they were going to London for a honeymoon trip.

Kinn then went to the kitchen and made some breakfast for Porsche who is still currently sound asleep in the room.

Kinn purposely woke up at the crack of dawn and googled up what shouldn't pregnant people eat and spent the whole morning trying to make the tasty yet suitable breakfast for Porsche.

Porsche woke up around 9 a.m. and lazily dragged himself out of bed. He went to the bathroom to get a quick bath and do his morning routine.When he got out of the bathroom, he went to pack the necessities (like clothes, snacks, etc.) that are needed to bring when they are going to London as the honeymoon trip is in 2 days. He helped Kinn to pack some too. Then he sat down and touched his belly. He had a strange feeling that no words could ever describe, he was scared, nervous, happy and excited, not knowing what would happen next. His belly looked the same as ever, just had a small bump which is still not really noticable since it was only the third week. Porsche still couldn't believe that Kinn's baby, their baby, is growing inside his belly. Porsche then changed into a hoodie (Kinn's hoodie) which is oversized and hung loosely on him. Then he went out of the room looking for Kinn. He saw Kinn making breakfast. Kinn was pacing back and forth trying to make sure that the toast isn't burn and the egg on the pan isn't burn too. He didn't notice Porsche so Porsche sneakily crept up behind him and hugged him from the back. Kinn knew it was Porsche so he went to turn off the fire and stopped cooking to turn full attention to Porsche. He pinched Porsche's chubby cheeks and kisses him. Kinn also plants a hickey on Porsche's neck. Then he caresses Porsche's belly and bents down and kisses the belly (giving a kiss to the baby through the belly).

Kinn then notices Porsche wearing his hoodie. Kinn loves it when Porsche is wearing his clothes. He thinks it's seductive.

"hmm...seducing me this early in the morning baby?"
"mm, maybe...."
"you're getting more daring now aren't you baby? "
"what's the punishment then? I'll gladly accept it"

Kinn looks at Porsche dangerously while Porsche continues to smile innocently knowing he had turned Kinn up. Porsche continues with his plan.

"It's getting a little hot here don't you think naa baby?"

*Porsche turns on the fan*

Then he takes both of Kinn's hand and put Kinn's right hand on his lip, while the left is on his waist. Kinn closes his eyes and bites his lower lip. Every inch of his body is fighting so hard, controlling himself not to throw Porsche on the bed right now and have sex with Porsche so rough that Porsche would cry on bed.

(small note : Porsche likes it the rough way, he likes it when Kinn gets dominant, possessive over him. He wants Kinn to be head over heels for him. )

The next second, Porsche puts his own hand on Kinn's body, reaching inside Kinn's shirt touching every inch of Kinn's body.

"Baby....don't, do not do this do me, you know what the consequence is. Don't you dare"

Porsche gave Kinn an innocent but sexy smile and kisses Kinn on the lips.

"okay..." Porsche puts his hand down, pretending to accidentally touch Kinn's dick. Kinn is hard. Porsche tries to hide a laugh at Kinn's reaction. Kinn glared at Porsche warningly. That's it, he's done with Porsche.

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