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One of the bodygards were shot.

It was a sniper.

The others had now all hide.

They also found the place of the sniper and they reported to Kinn and Vegas.

But there was one problem.

They were all stuck.
If any one of them tried getting out of the car, they would be dead in seconds.

The car was bulletproof so they are safe but the problem is how to get down.

Kinn searches for the sniper and found him. 

But when he turned back, he noticed the guy in the car was gone.

He warned Vegas and all the other bodyguards.

As Kinn's and Vegas' car was parked at the corner, it was beneficial to Kinn as the walls at the corner had blocked 10 percent of the sniper's vision.

Kinn then decided to risk it.

The sniper then now seemed to be busy talking with another person on call and he looks distracted so Kinn took the chance and run out of the car then hid behind the wall.

He was just in time.
The bullet missed him by inches.

Vegas on the other hand spotted the guy  from the car - Eason.

The guy in the car wore red clothes which was what Eason was wearing.

Vegas got out of the car silently from the back (the car blocked the sniper's vision) and then as Eason walks past, Vegas then immediately points the gun at Eason's head.

The bodyguards that followed Vegas did the same.

Vegas motioned for one of them to shoot Eason's leg so he couldn't run.

Eason howled in pain as he got shot in the right leg.

"You should've run when we gave you the chance you moron"

"I should be the one saying that to you."

"bullshit. Shut your mouth. Now we'll wait for Kinn to deal with you."

"Oh don't bother. Kinn won't live."

" you jerk, stop blabbering lies. You're so fucking noisy"

" How do you know if I'm lying or not?"

Then Eason shows Vegas the car beside. There was a timing bomb that links to somewhere.

"Once Kinn steps inside the room, the sniper will get the signal and the bomb that is inside the building will blow up. Afterwards the one in the car will too after the other one is triggered."

"You do know you'll die if you do so right?"

"oh come on do you think I'm so dumb? I would've run if I wanted to hide from you and Kinn. But I stayed because I wanted to kill Kinn. Considering you're here now, I'll kill you alongside Kinn."

Vegas looks and saw that Kinn was about to enter the building.

Vegas immediately taps his earphone twice which means signaling him danger.

But the signal was interrupted.

Of course, Eason had expected that.

"Ah too bad. I interrupted the signal beforehand."

"you motherfucker"

Vegas tries fires another bullet at Eason's left leg then fires another one in  Kinn's direction trying to get Kinn's attention.

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