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Kinn held Porsche's hand tightly, desperate and helpless.

Yet a small hope burned deep inside his heart, every inch of him hoping that Porsche would wake up.

Kinn kneeled down beside the bed not knowing what to do. At this point, he felt like life wasn't even meaningful anymore.

"Porsche I'm sorry, please...I was supposed to be the one lying on the bed, not you..."

"I know you can hear me, it's only been a few minutes.....you can still wake up...please...I know I don't deserve you but please...."

Another few seconds went by and Kinn was losing hope when he heard Porsche letting out a sudden breath.

He looked up immediately, his eyes widdening in shock. The next second, Porsche spat blood out and white foam was coming out of his mouth.

Kinn froze and he just stood there not doing anything, shocked and also happy that Porsche was back.

"....Porsche baby? You're awake?" asked Kinn in disbelief.

Tears still dripped out but this time it was happy tears.

Kinn smiled relievingly. He let out a huge sigh of relief and hugs Porsche.

Just then Porsche coughed more blood out.

Then only Kinn snapped back from the overwhelming happiness and realized that Porsche was coughing blood out.

"oh fuck I forgot...um..doctor! DOCTOR!"

The doctors came rushing in as they heard Kinn shouting at the top of his lungs.

All of them stopped in inevitable synchronization as they walked in the door and saw that Porsche was alive.

He was just dead a minute ago.
And... he's....alive?

They tried so hard to save Porsche from the deathbed seconds ago and they failed. But Kinn went in for a minute and Porsche immediately came back from the dead.

So....in a nutshell, Kinn was the better "doctor" than them.

"What are you standing there for ?!  Save him for fuck's sake" shouted Kinn angrily.

Then only the doctors hurriedly rushed beside Porsche and helped him.

Kinn was then pushed out of the emergency room as the doctors did surgery for Porsche while trying to maintain that Porsche breathing.

Kinn sat outside, now staring hard at the red light on the door of the emergency room, impatiently waiting for it to turn green.

As he waited and waited, he noticed that he was still holding the picture of him and Porsche together.

He turned to the back of the picture to see that a small line of words written at the back.

- Please be patient and wait for me no matter what happens na krub. Always believe me, okay?

Kinn smiled softly as he looks at the words Porsche written at the back of the picture.

His frustrated and impatient feeling was immediately washed away by Porsche's words.

He held the picture tightly to his chest while he touched his wedding ring which had the word "Porsche" engraved on it.

I'll wait for you. Take your time and come back to me afterwards.


After hours of waiting, it was now 3am in the morning.

Kinn didn't sleep at all and in fact, he wasn't even sleepy. He was still waiting patiently for the red light to turn green at the emergency room door.

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