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The next day of their honeymoon trip, they were going to a cinema to watch a movie together. Porsche got really excited. Kinn makes sure Porsche wears his jacket and he even zips the jacket all the way up but ended up making Porsche suffocate.

"Baby I can't breathe It's too tight"

Kinn immediately zips it down a little.
"mm sorry baby"

He kisses Porsche apologetically.
Porsche looks up and unintentionally saw the huge bite mark on Kinn's neck did by him yesterday night.

Kinn then zips up the jacket and it covered the bite mark. Porsche then unzips it in a flash.

"noooo, I want others to see the bite mark"

Kinn didn't even realize it.
He looks in the mirror then sees the bite mark. He laughs at it and leaves his jacket unzipped.

(In the mall)
Porsche kept looking at the mouth watering popcorn sold there. Kinn was busy buying the tickets so Porsche went to buy some popcorn sneakily. He didn't want to spend money but he just couldn't resist the aroma that is so strong it could be smelt one mile away.

He got the popcorn and he was happily munching away like a chipmunk when someone taps him lightly on the shoulder.

Porsche looks up and met Kinn's gaze.
He smiles guiltily. He immediately took a handful of popcorn and shoved them into Kinn's mouth.

"It's really good na baby try it"

Kinn eats the popcorn and pats Porsche on the head lovingly. Kinn then went to buy an extra box of popcorn for Porsche just in case Porsche wanted more as Porsche only bought the small portion. He would do anything to make his baby smile, anything for him.

A wide happy cute smile made its way onto Porsche's face.

Porsche hugs the popcorn and clings to it while they walk inside the cinema. Kinn grabs the popcorn from him and wants Porsche to hold his hand instead.

They both found their seats and they sat there watching the movie while eating the caramel flavoured popcorn.

As the movie they wanted had sold out all their tickets, they had no choice but to choose a slightly scary movie. Porsche gave an inevitable jump when it reaches the jumpscare moment and he made a small whining noise.

Kinn chuckles seeing Porsche scared and so he had an excuse to let Porsche to sit on his lap and cling to him like a baby koala the whole movie.

Kinn's focus wasn't on the movie. He was watching Porsche instead of the movie.
In Kinn's opinion, the movie title seemed to even changed to 《Porsche's reaction ep 1》. Kinn even grabbed the chance to kiss Porsche a few more times having an excuse to say that he was just comforting Porsche.

Then after the movie, they went around the mall and Kinn basically bought almost everything for Porsche.
(There were five bags full when they went back)

(time skips)

A few days later - at midnight

Porsche woke up and starts crying out of the blue. Kinn heard his sobs and woke up too.

"Porsche? Baby what's wrong? Don't cry come on, tell me what's wrong hmm?"

Kinn hugs Porsche and pats him on the back soothing him.

Porsche looks at Kinn with teary eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up, I'm such a trouble" Porsche bursts out crying again.

KInn's heart broke into a million pieces seeing Porsche cry his heart out.

"Aww don't cry, baby don't cry , you didn't wake me up, it's okay na. Now tell me what's wrong hmm?"

"I just really want to eat fried rice now...I'm so sorry" Porsche looks as if he is about to cry so Kinn immediately hugs him.

"you want fried rice? yeah I'll get it, it's okay baby, I'll buy you fried rice ok?"

"but it's in the middle of the night..." another tear leaks out of Porsche's eye.

"heyyy don't cry na, there's a shop in front which is 24 hours open remember? We can get fried rice there or I can make you one."

Kinn comforts Porsche patiently and holds his hand. Kinn's voice is calming and his hug is so warm that it makes Porsche's insecurities fled and Porsche just sat there hugging Kinn back calming himself down.

Kinn cups Porsche's face and wipes his tears away kissing him on the cheek.

"you wanna go out together and see of the shop sells fried rice? I can go by myself if you don't want to" says Kinn in a soft tone.

Porsche nods his head and gets out of bed slowly. Kinn notices that Porsche has mood swings recently and he always gets emotional easily. Kinn knows that this is because of the pregnancy hormones so he would do everything and anything to make his baby happy and he would always pamper and spoils Porsche with whatever he wants whenever it comes to times like this.

Porsche changes into his hoodie and wore his jacket while Kinn did the same.

Porsche went to the cupboard and reaches for the upper part to grab a snack but he couldn't reach. He tiptoes and almost fell but Kinn catches him from the back in the nick of time.

"Baby, what are you doing? Be careful, you should call me, don't do it yourself hmm?"

Although Kinn said it in a caring and soft tone, Porsche felt like Kinn was blaming him and he pouts his lip sadly and he cries softly. Kinn notices it and he immediately apologizes.

"heyyyy baby I'm sorry, I'm not scolding you, I don't mean it, I was just worried, I'm sorry, I won't say it like that again okay? Please don't cry I'm so sorry na"

Kinn hugs his baby Porsche while he grabs Porsche's favourite snack down from the cupboard and hands it to Porsche. Porsche immediately stops crying and he opens the snack to eat happily.

Kinn smiles at Porsche and then they both went to the shop in front of the hotel. Porsche searched for fried rice and he found it. He grabs one packet happily and shows it to Kinn.

"Baby I found it, look!"

Porsche eyes gleamed in happiness and he looks so proud of himself while Kinn just laughs at his cuteness.

"that's great na, do you want some drinks? You can get extra"

Porsche went to take another look around and he spotted a pudding.
He grabs one and he hesitates whether to buy it. He went to Kinn and asks Kinn something.

"baby....is it okay..if...um I take something else too? I mean, the fried rice is for me but ..the baby wants pudding and I saw the pudding around the corner so...."

Porsche shows Kinn the mango pudding he took. Kinn laughs at Porsche's stuttering. Porsche's excuse to eat the pudding was so cute.

He kisses Porsche lovingly and took the pudding from Porsche.

"Since the baby wants the pudding, why don't you get two more, one for me and one for you?"

Porsche jumps in happiness and he hops along the way to get two more puddings. He carefully picked two more different flavours of pudding and he handed them to Kinn.

Kinn then paid for them.
Porsche carried the small bag with his fried rice and puddings inside while Kinn carries Porsche on his back.

"Kinn baby do you know something?"
"yeah? what is it?"
"I love you so much na krub" whispered  Porsche shyly.
Kinn stops in his tracks and he lets Porsche down from his back then kisses him deeply.

"I love you too"
Porsche smiles contently and he jumps on Kinn's back again making Kinn laugh.

(y'all Im gonna do some time skipping afterwards and just go to the part where the baby comes into their lives)

I'm so tired and busy these days. Sorry if the chapter isn't interesting. I just can't right now. Might take some time to update. I'll still continue writing and also I'm planning to write a new story but please be patient y'all, I really appreciate it)

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