Epilogue 2

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Porsche sat on the couch with Emerald in his arms.

He was reading a story for her and at the same time teaching him words.

"The bear chased the rabbit down the streets where it met people who tried to catch it and......"

But Emerald wasn't even looking at the book. She stares at Porsche with her big brown soft eyes.

"Sweetheart, why are you looking at me hmm? I'm reading you a story, see. Look at the bear and the rabbit hmm?" said Porsche in a soft loving voice as he bents down and kisses Emerald on the cheek as she giggled sweetly when Porsche kisses her.

She reaches out her little hand, wanting Porsche to hold her hand.


Porsche froze. Then he burst out laughing as he held Emerald's hand in his.

Emerald's voice was so soft and sweet that it melts Porsche everytime she calls him.

"I'm beautiful? Is that right sweetheart?"

Emerald giggled again as Porsche tickled her softly.

"Thank you sweetheart, you look beautiful too. Is that why you were looking at me hmm?"

Emerald smiles at him cutely.

Porsche melts at her smile.

God, isn't she cute.
He can't believe this is his daughter.

Just then, Kinn walks in the room and picks Emerald away from Porsche's arm.

He then looks at Porsche and slams his lips on Porsche.

Then he pouts his lip and covers Emerald's ears before he started complaining.

"It's not fair...I was here for you before her. I love you more. I've been with you for 5 years now. And you love her more than you love me. It's just not fair. I'm your husband. Without me, you wouldn't have her. "

"Look who's talking now. The other day, I caught you talking and whispering sweet words to her while basically buying the whole shop of dresses for her."

"But I bought you the whole mall."

"....? you what ? "

"I bought it for you as a surprise...I even bought you all the books that you wanted from the book store the other day...And I even kissed you for a whole day...well, I kiss you more than her basically every day."

" Kinn....how much did you spent on that mall? "

" not much "

" Baby, you know it costs a fortune baby it's hella expensive"

" I'm rich and you're my wife. What's wrong with spoiling you? "


Porsche gave up.

Kinn always spent so much money on him. But, this is a way of Kinn showing his love towards Porsche. Porsche knows it, and he loves it that Kinn always does this to him. It makes him feel important, special, and it makes him feel loved by someone, and the fact that Kinn is his lifelong dream husband and his crush for 3 whole years, he feels so happy everytime he looks at Kinn and knows that he is married to Kinn - the best husband in the entire world.

Porsche then stood up as Kinn continue pouting.

He then takes Emerald in his arms and lay her in her cradle.

Then he walks back to Kinn and took off his shirt showing him all the hickeys he himself (Kinn) planted and also their marriage ring on his ring finger.

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