Chapter 14

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Aubrey | 28

"Have y'all niggas packed for this trip? We about to leave in 2 days." Chubbs asked as we all chilled around his house watching the Celtics vs Miami Heat.

"Hell nah, not yet. I might just buy clothes down there I'm that lazy." Baka replied making us all laugh. "I don't know about y'all niggas but I did the other day had extra help." I say taking a sip of the pink liquid in my styrofoam cup.

"Oh brother I think we know who he talking about."

"Relax our boy in love! Let's be happy for this nigga." Roxx came back with a lighter passing it to Baka. "You know I'm happy for my guy, I wish I can get like that."

Smacking my lips and scrunching my face up. "No you don't, you want to fuck every bitch you see."

"And what's the problem with that? I can't help that."

"Alright when you catch something don't say shit to any of us." The room was filled with laughter again.

Putting my hand out so Baka could pass me the blunt he was smoking I took a few hits before passing it back to him. All the guys started talking about different shit and I was just zoned out in my own world thinking about shit.

Feeling someone tapping my shoulder I looked up and it was Roxx. Looking around I saw all my other brothers looking at me with a concerning face.

"AG You good man? We been trying to get your attention." Chubbs says as they nodded.

Taking a deep breathe. "Remember that meeting we had at the club with D? Well that's Mariah's Father."

"Ain't no way! You for real!?"

"I'm dead ass. Why y'all think he wanted me to stay back while he talked to me?"

"We didn't think shit of it. I thought dude was trying to get to know you but damn that is crazy."

"Yea, he also told me he knew my father and has been in contact with my mother." Grabbing my styrofoam cup taking another sip from it.

The room was filled with quietness.

"How you feelin about it AG?"

"Man I don't fucking know!" I got up pacing around the room as all the guys were watching me. "Calm down man what you thinkin about?"

"Y'all think I should talk to my mother? He claims that she misses me and shit I just don't know anymore what the fuck bro!"

"Alright now nigga, in my opinion you should speak to her. Why would he lie about her not missing you? And you got to remember we only got one blood mom man."

I stopped pacing looking at them. "Why should I give her another chance though? Why I always gotta be the bigger person?"

"Nigga, she's been trying to get in contact with you. You being the bigger person is you actually talking and meeting up with her so if we being real she was being the bigger person at all times."

"For real! AG just talk to her tomorrow isn't promised and you know that shit." Roxx  says turning his attention back to the TV.

"Man I'll see her after this probably." Returning back to my seat. "I also saw Asia some days ago." I closed my eyes leaning back into the couch.

"God damn nigga you just been keeping secrets from us?"

"Man shut up. It slipped my mind and shit."

"First off where were you at to be in the same area as her?"

"I stopped by the club where she works at just to clear my mind but ain't shit go on."

"You miss her?" Baka asked me I could feel his eyes on me while I had them shut. "Fuck no I don't miss her I just had to clear my mind before I did something I would regret,"

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