Chapter 27

634 26 13

Mariah | 23

Me on Ari was outside of Breah's house in the driveway getting ready to get out of the car.

"Let's just use the spare key she gave both of us because I don't think she would answer if we knock."

"Ok, let's go inside. I miss Breah." I said as we got out the car heading towards the front door and Ari unlocked the door opening it seeing the house filled with trash everywhere.

"Oh my god what happened?" I ask as we both walked in stepping over trash around the floors.

"This is not like Breah, what the actual fuck Mariah,"

"I know. Something crazy must've happened."

We walked towards the kitchen and it was just too much. This whole place was filled with filth.

"Yea I'm not liking this we need to find her now." I said with a light hint of fear in my tone.

"Okay, you look upstairs and I'll look downstairs."

Me and Ari split ways as I was going up the steps checking all the rooms to see if she was anywhere to be found.

Fifteen minutes later it was still no signs of Breah for me.

"Breah! What happened oh my god! Mariah get down here!"

I heard Ari yelling my name from downstairs. I ran my way back down the steps seeing her and Breah laying on the ground unresponsive. She was covered with bruises and dry blood, what the hell.

Getting down on my knees trying to see if she had a pulse and she did. "Ari call 911! We need to get her to a hospital now!"

Ari got her phone out dialing 911 and immediately a paramedic was making there way to our location.

Me and Ari did nothing but cry and worry for Breah until they get here.

I sniffled a little before talking. "They only person that could do this is Jalen. She probably won't tell us but it was him."

"Oh I know, that dumb nigga will get touched Mariah." I rubbed Breah's slightly cold arm that was bruised. Just looking at it made me sick to my stomach. "Fuck nigga put his hands on a damn girl. Weird ass nigga." Ari ranted out while her face was turning a red color.

"Oh trust that nigga is gonna get touched on everything I love Ari, and he's not about to play for the NBA anymore believe that." After finishing my sentence I got up from the floor hearing a knock on the door indicating the paramedics were here.

Letting the paramedics in we go out the way so they could do their job. They put Breah on the stretcher before giving her all the equipment that she needs first. Me and Ari watched as all this went down. Finally they were rolling her out the house and we followed. They put her inside the truck telling us what hospital she will be located at.

Three hours later...

Ari and I were waiting in the waiting room for updates and yet there weren't any still after three whole hours. You would've thought we would at least get something. It was very cold here and Ari was hungry as hell. I texted Aubrey what all happened and he immediately called me trying to calm down my nerves. He told me he would be here in a minute and Chubbs would be with him.

"I just can't believe this nigga," Ari says shaking her head back and forth.

I agreed with her. "All because she caught him cheating and said something he's so weird and I swear to god if anything serious is wrong I really don't know what I'm gonna do Ari!"

"Let's just pray okay?" She says sitting up from her chair making me do the same. She grabs my hands and we bowed our heads closing our eyes.

"Dear god, I pray that you will heal our friend that is fighting for her life in there right now. Let your presence fill her with faith and hope, knowing is greater than anything. You are with her as she continues to fight the good fight."

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