chapter one

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"I'm not going to leave you."

-The Beginning-

(7 years ago)

"How about the pink?" A brunette haired boy mumbles into his closet, going through the rack of sweaters as he waits for his best friends confirmation.

Taehyung rolls his eyes at Jimin, amusement filling him as he admires the boys dedication in picking the perfect outfit for the first day of school tomorrow.

"You wear pink everyday Min." The blue haired boy muses, walking towards the closet so he can pick a flowy blue shirt from the middle.

"Blue makes your eyes pop." He notes with a small smile, grabbing a pair of light jeans and handing it to the small boy before sitting back down on the bed.

"Who are you trying to impress anyway Jimin? You know you look beautiful no matter what you wear." Taehyung insist, frowning when Jimin blushes and shakes his head, dismissing Taehyung's words almost immediately.

"N-No I don't Tae. People don't think I'm pretty like they do you." He admits after a moment, trailing off as he takes his classes off to rub them on the bottom of his sweater.

"They don't find me beautiful, or funny. I'm pretty sure the only reason anyone puts up with me is because I'm friends with you." The boy continues, breaking eye contact when his nose starts to twitch and tears fill his big eyes.

Some might think he was being over dramatic, but Jimin had always cried easily. He had tried over the years to get better about it, finding that people got irritated when he got emotional so easily, but the brunette just couldn't help but let everything get to him. Especially things like this..

"I just.. I just want them to like me Tae." He finishes after a moment, letting small droplets fall down his cheeks when the tall boy walks up and immediately hugs him.

"Everyone loves you Jimin. Your shy, and kind, but those are the things people like most about you. Just because I'm louder than you, doesn't make you less important to people." Taehyung comfort with a smile, separating from the boy to wipe away his tears.

"Your more beautiful than any of those people Jimin, including me. And I know for a fact that when you get older, your going to be more gorgeous then any of them thought possible." Taehyung says, and despite what Jimin thinks, the boy truly means it.

Jimin hid himself in sweaters, and glasses, and messy hair that he always let cover his face, but Taehyung knew from the moment he first saw Jimin that one day the boy would be absolutely breathtaking.

Taehyung just wished Jimin saw that too..

He had this naturally golden hair that was amazing in Taehyungs opinion, but Jimin dyed it brown because he said he didn't like the way it made him stand out. And the boy had the most beautiful big blue eyes, but he wore round glasses that could never do them justice in a million years. Jimin had graceful features, but they were still slightly rounded from baby fat the boy hadn't yet lost. And lastly the boy had an absolutely lovely body, but he hid it in large sweaters due to insecurity about how petite he was for a boy his age.

Once Jimin embraced all of these things Taehyung knew what Jimin would become, and he couldn't wait to see his best friend blossom in such a way. However, until then Taehyung would help Jimin pick his silly outfits, and support him as Jimin cried in his arms.

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