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As the day gets colder and the New Year is approaching, people in the capital are busy preparing for the Spring Festival.

When the rents from the farms and the shop fronts were collected, the taxes and banks from all over the country were delivered to the capital as scheduled. This year was still a good year. Except for the Qingyang flood, there were no major disasters in the Central Plains and Jiangnan, and the tax and silver were abundant.

On the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, heavy snow flew, and the capital was peaceful.

Lead clouds were densely covered, and before dusk, the sky had become gloomy, and the lights were lit upstairs in Zuixian, taking advantage of the blue and gray bricks and tiles in the capital, it was especially lively. These few days were when the local officials came to Beijing to report on their duties, and the business of the Zuixianlou was much more prosperous than usual.

"This time I made a lot of money, thanks to Zhuoyu's matchmaking." Uncle Qingyang toasted, laughed and drank with Lou Jing.

As soon as Lou Jing finished the cup, Zhou Song came up and said, "Lord, you can't just drink Shishu's wine. Mine must also drink. I have news about this."

"Yes, then I should toast you a glass," Lou Jing grabbed the hip flask and gave it to Zhou Songman. "This first glass, I want to toast you and think about your brother when you meet business."

"This is also the'first cup'?" Zhou Song suddenly suffered a bit, which is obviously the meaning of pouring him wine! But I have to drink it, I can only lift my head and do it.

"This second cup, to respect your young talents. Father and brother are not around, but they can support the front." Lou Jing looked at the lanky Zhou Song, and felt a little relieved when he thought of the child with a runny nose that he first met in the Yuhuayuan.

Zhou Song couldn't help but smirk a few times, "That is."

Lou Jing filled him with a third cup, and raised the wine cup himself, "This third cup, you don’t respect you. Lou Jing has a brother like you, and he has no regrets in this life."

Zhou Song's eyes were red when he said this, and he hummed, "Drink well, what's the matter with you."

Lou Jing was silent, but the two clinked their glasses and drank all the wine.

In the river business this time, they were told that there were others who had joined the group, but in reality, Lou Jing only brought these two people into the group.

This kind of business, in the final analysis, is to make money from the national treasury. Lou Jing invested 80,000 taels of silver on his own, plus Qingyang Bo and Zhou Song's, and made up 150,000 taels. Now that the tax bank has entered Beijing, Shen Lian has given him dividends and stocks in a very trustworthy manner, basically doubling the money. Shen Lian felt that Lou Jing was doing things agilely, and he agreed to continue to work with him on matters related to the palace.

"I heard that officials who come to Beijing to report on their duties this year will have to pay for Shen Lian." Uncle Qing Yang suddenly talked about something after drinking three rounds.

"Partner money? What kind of money?" Zhou Song didn't know what was going on. This official went to Beijing to report on his work. What did Shen Lian do?

"The money for the promotion," Qing Yang said in a low voice, "Every official who is promoted to Beijing to report on duty must give Shen Lian a meeting ceremony, at least one thousand taels." As he said, he stretched out his hand and compared it to one another. It’s more than five, that is to say, if you have more, you will get five thousand liang.

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