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Zhuozhuoquan Zhongyu, Xiao Xiaofeng under the pine.

Everyone was stunned for a moment. The drinkers and scammers all stood up and saluted together, "My son!"

General Chen was still sitting in the main seat, his mouth closed in surprise. Anguo's son Lou Jing! Isn't he fighting bandits in Jiangzhou at this time? Why did you suddenly appear in Jinju Camp?

Lou Jing entered the room without stopping, and walked straight to the main seat. He followed 16 guards in black costumes neatly behind him. Looking carefully, the black clothes reflected lightly under the candlelight. The light silver shade is in the form of flowing clouds.

"Youyun Sixteenth Cavalier!" Li Cheng exclaimed the deputy general. Old Anguo's Youyun Sixteenth Ride was like a ghost and invincible, but unfortunately he has already died of the Lord, unexpectedly saw Youyun Sixteenth Cavalier. .

Lou Jing walked to the main position, walking evenly without stopping, although his lips were smiling, his eyes were cold. General Chen, who had already stood up, was photographed by his aura and subconsciously stepped back.

This half-step has already given up the main position, and the momentum is also short. Lou Jing unceremoniously sat directly on the main position, and Youyun Sixteenth Cavaliers are lined up on both sides, with a terrifying aura.

The camp was silent, and Li Cheng reacted first, kneeling and bowing, "I have seen General Zhennan."

Lou Jing is now a person with the rank of general, and is of a higher rank than anyone present, so he should kneel down and bow down.

There are one or two. The generals and young generals all kneeled and bowed in salute. They were thoughtful and well-disciplined. They were very different from what they had just been doing.

General Chen almost turned his back on his back, and then realized that these people are not intractable, they just don’t listen to him. He couldn’t help but feel bitter in his heart, squeezing words from his teeth, and said without a smile: "I heard that the son I was ordered by the emperor to guard Jiangzhou, but I don’t know what it is to do in Jinzhou?"

Calling the prince son, not the general, is to emphasize that now Jinju's military power is no longer owned by the Lou family.

Lou Jing glanced at him with a faint smile, "I heard that General Chen is the right-hand minister's home, and the speed of this promotion is truly extraordinary."

"You..." General Chen blushed. When Lou Jing left Jinzhou three years ago, he was just a young general. Now that he is finally able to get ahead, this elder son doesn't mean to look at him in the least.

"The right conspiracy to rebel against the chaos, the capital is under martial law, where is General Chen planning to take the Jinzhou army?" Lou Jing asked with a cold face and a deep voice.

The generals were in an uproar and conspired against each other. If they went to Jinnan with the surname Chen, wouldn't they also be rebellious officials and thieves?

"The son is joking. I was originally ordered to transfer troops. I have never heard of the right conspiracy." General Chen was anxious and said calmly.

Lou Jing didn't intend to talk nonsense with him, and raised his hand slightly, "Take him down!"

The two You Yunwei behind them shot like lightning, grabbing people, and kneeling under the stage. A few of General Chen's henchmen came out to stop them, "Second son, what do you mean? The general was appointed by the court... …"

"Kill!" Lou Jing glanced, not wanting to talk nonsense with these people.

When Youyun Sixteen Guards were on the battlefield, they became Youyun Sixteen Cavaliers. The most important task of Youyun Sixteenth Cavalry is to kill!

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