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It was already one o'clock in the afternoon after the meeting. Park Jimin was worried about Rosè Jang, so he called the house after he got back to his office.

The housekeeper picked up the phone. "Mr. Park?"

Park Jimin ignored her greeting and went directly to the point. "Is Miss all right?"

"Miss is fine," the housekeeper said.

"Has she thrown up again?" Park Jimin asked.

"No, I made her some hot oatmeal like you asked. Miss seemed to have a good appetite, seeing as she had two small bowls of it." The housekeeper sounded like she was a little proud of her cooking.

Park Jimin sighed in relief. It seemed like Rosè Jang was fine, but he was still slightly worried. He thought for a while and said, "Watch her closely. If you see that she's having any problems, please let me know immediately."

After giving the housekeeper instructions, Park Jimin worried that it would be too late if he waited for the housekeeper to report to him if Rosè Jang had a problem. He changed his mind and said, "Never mind. Can you call Dr. Kim right now? Ask him to come to the house and give Miss a full body check-up so we know she's fine."

"Right now?" the housekeeper asked in concern.

"Yes, what's the problem with that?" Park Jimin asked.

"Miss just left the house," the housekeeper said.

Park Jimin was mad before the housekeeper even finished her sentence. "Went out? Why didn't you tell me she went out? Didn't I tell you to report to me before I left earlier? She isn't feeling well, and you needed keep her at home and take good care of her."

The housekeeper muttered, "I did ask her not to go out, but Miss said there was something urgent going on at work. She had to go."

"Why didn't you go with her?" Park Jimin became angrier. "What if she doesn't feel well while she's out? No matter what I ask, you never do anything right. What are you just waiting there for? Call her now to see if she's okay."


Park Jimin cursed the dumb housekeeper in his head after he hung up the phone.

The housekeeper called him back two minutes later, letting him know Rosè Jang was all right. Park Jimin opened his laptop and started to work after he heard Rosè Jang was fine.

Park Company had a regular shareholders' meeting at three thirty.

Park Jimin's grandfather hadn't been in charge of any business at the company for a few years, but he still came to the shareholders' meetings sometimes.

The meeting ended at four thirty, but Park Jimin's grandpa didn't leave immediately. Instead, he went to Park Jimin's office.

Park Jimin knew his grandpa must have had something to talk to him about. He asked his secretary to make some tea for his grandpa, and after he talked with the research manager, he speed dialed his secretary and asked her not to let anyone in before he walked to the sofa where his grandpa was sitting. He took a seat in an armchair next to him.

Park Jimin picked up the tea pot and poured some tea into his grandpa's tea cup, then poured himself some. He picked up his cup and took a sip before he asked his grandpa, "So what is it?"

After Park Jimin asked this question, Park Jimin's grandpa stared at Park Jimin sipping his tea for a while before he asked, "Jimin, how is everything between you and Jane Jane?"

If this had happened earlier, Park Jimin would have pretended that he hadn't heard his grandpa's question. However, he found that he didn't even feel annoyed when his grandpa tried to learn about his business this time. He even joked with him. "Don't you have anything else to talk about besides her?"

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