Chapter Six: Love Me

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Saying goodbye to my family, was, for the most part, incredibly difficult. It seemed that each time I said goodbye, the distance of time before I saw them again became longer, which made family reunions that much more special. I was especially emotional this time, feeling absolutely ridden with guilt at how I'd let my personal problems with John affect nearly my entire stay. I knew that I needed to work on myself once I got back to LA, I couldn't continue the way I had been acting. I knew that as soon as I got back I had a few jobs lined up, which would easily distract me and fill my time.

I'd given everyone final goodbye hugs and kisses, and finally gotten to Angela, who was waiting patiently for me to say farewell. We immediately wrapped our arms onto one another, tightly. I took the time to whisper to her the things I'd been meaning to say last night, but I didn't get a chance.

"Ange, I just wanted to say I'm really sorry for how I was this trip. I promise I'm going to work on myself so you don't have to ever see that side of me again. But, I need to apologise more for not being there for you. I know you came up to tell me that you were pregnant that night, just like you did with Stella. Except I got so caught in my own little world that you didn't want to share it with me because you thought it would make me feel bad, and I feel absolutely awful for that. I feel like a completely selfish bitch, and I want you to know that you never have to hide anything from me, no matter what's going in my life, ok? Promise?"
"Promise," she said, sweeping her hair as we moved apart from each other. We held each other's arms for a moment before I flashed my pearly white teeth and carefully kissed the side of her cheek.
"I'm so happy for you and Svend. Truly. I love you so much, and I'll see you very soon." I said sternly, my tone making it clear that this was a promise to her.

I took a deep breath as I opened the door my car, sliding my Ray Bans over my eyes as I turned to look at them, and waving goodbye. It absolutely sucked that I couldn't spend time with them as much as I used to, but this was my life now. I closed the door beside me and started the car, before proceeding to drive down the street and onto the highway back to LA.

The first signs of the LA skyline made me immediately feel anxious. I felt like everything I had tried so hard to forget about these past few days were flooding back. I started to relax once I recognised the beautiful palm trees, nearing my home. The sun was just beginning to fade down, the air becoming chilly. I finally reached my house, rolling down the window to enter the security gate key and driving up the long driveway. Seeing home again made me feel at ease, as I grabbed my suitcase from the trunk and unlocked my front door. I instantly got covered in goosebumps as I set foot inside the house, it was much colder than outside. I felt myself sigh a little at how empty it looked, but I continued walking all the way up to my bedroom, leaving my suitcase just inside the front door.

I threw my handbag almost instantly onto my bed, opening my drawers to get a sweatshirt and singlet before walking into my ensuite to change and start my nightly routine. I finished quicker than usual, the natural look I had been sporting the past few days meant my skin had become clearer and healthier and took less time to moisturise. I walked back over to my bag to check for an email from Tamra about my schedule for the upcoming days. I finally dug it from the bottom of my purse, remembering I hadn't bothered to look at it for a few days.

I turned it on, my finger tapping the screen impatiently. My mind went blank and I seriously couldn't remember what I had lined up tomorrow, but I knew it was something important that I would have to be up early for. The screen finally finished loading, and I smiled at the photo I had as my background - a goofy photo of Angela, David and I from Mom's birthday earlier in the year.
I tapped into my email app, opening the email from Tamra. Covergirl shoot. That's it. Even though I loved doing photo shoots, I hated waking up early. I don't know how they could get me to look decent when I'd gotten barely four hours of sleep most days.

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