Chapter Eight: Tonight, I'm Walking On Air

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John's POV:

It had been two days since I'd seen Katy, I'd been busy in the studio trying to finish an album and she had been busy with meetings and photoshoots. I felt weirdly excited to see her today, perhaps because though I'd been busy working, I found time to organise something special for New Years Eve.

I knew that New Years Eve was a tough day for Katy, if she was alone for long enough she would think about Russell proposing to her on that day all those years ago, and she'd always get depressed. I knew I needed to make her feel special again, and to keep her happy. There was nothing I enjoyed more than seeing her with that beautiful pearly smile. I couldn't get my head around the fact that we were back together again, I had spent so long wishing for it to happen and never doing anything about it, that it felt like a dream. I knew I couldn't screw it up this time, I needed to keep her. Our busy schedule and my reluctance to stay tied down was what broke us apart last time, and I'd never forgiven myself for it. Especially after all the shit that Russell jerk put her through, I wanted to be the person who helped her get through problems, not be the one who causes them.

I pulled myself out of my deep thoughts as I scribbled down some lyrics onto my sheet of paper, before shoving it into my folder and packing up my things that were spread around the studio. It was eight in the morning, and I was completely exhausted - I'd been here since leaving Katy's on Monday morning, working and working on my record, though I felt as if I hadn't made any progress. I'd only stopped to go to the bathroom, the only sleep I had was halfway through yesterday for a couple of hours. I felt uninspired, and I knew my work suffered when I didn't care for what I was writing about. I felt like I was writing multiple essays that didn't make sense, most of the songs I'd written not even having an evident storyline.

I finished packing up all of my paperwork, putting it into the folder, and putting my guitar back into its case before placing it in the corner of the room. Everyone on my team had left an hour ago, leaving the studio to myself. I thought it would help me focus, but I really didn't have the concentration today and got barely anything done. I locked the door to the studio carefully, before walking down the corridor and walking through the revolving doors of Columbia Records outside to my car. The sun was burning brightly, but it didn't make the weather any warmer. It was absolutely freezing, and I bought my scarf up to my face as soon as the cool air hit my face.

The drive from the studio to my apartment in LA didn't take very long, thankfully. I wasn't too sure how much longer I would last, I could feel my eyes drooping as I struggled to concentrate on the road. I got out of my car, pressing the button to lock it with my keys as I walked to my apartment door, struggling to open the lock as I was barely looking. I threw my folder filled with sheet music and lyrics onto the sofa, walking to my bedroom and taking my scarf and sweater off, leaving me in my t-shirt, jeans and my shoes. I laid down on my bed, closing my eyes and feeling around with my feet before finally managing to kick off my shoes. It didn't take me long before I fell asleep, relaxing in the comfort of my bed, finally letting the exhaustion take over.

I felt like I'd been hit by a truck when my phone alarm sounded soon after. I quickly hit the snooze button and attempted to sleep again, my head feeling heavy, my body feeling dizzy. I felt like absolute shit.

My snooze button went off again, this time I hauled myself out of bed, yawning and stretching my body. My eyes were stinging, I must've been in the midst of a deep sleep. I turned my head to look at the clock on the bedside, it had just turned 1pm.

I felt my stomach twist when I remembered all of the things I had to do today, and I had such little time to fit everything in. I walked into my kitchen and into my refrigerator to get an energy drink out of the side door. I knew how bad they were for your body, but I just really needed the energy and couldn't give less of a fuck at this point.

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