Chapter Forty-Eight: A Wish Upon A Californian Star

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Katy's POV:

"Katy? Katy? It's time to wake up babe," John's voice cooed into my ear, making me smile in my sleep before I had even opened my eyes.

"Good morning," I said as I felt him crawl into bed beside me, making me open my eyes and turn to him.

"Hey beautiful," He said as he handed me a mug, which I instantly took into my hands, molding them around it to warm my body.

"Oh, John, know me too well," I giggled as I sipped the coffee, made to a perfect consistency, just the way I liked it. There was nothing I enjoyed more than having coffee, for some reason it seemed to really make me feel at ease.

"I know, and it's probably not helping that I'm feeding your addiction. We'll have to wean you off this soon enough," He said, sighing as he kept an eyebrow raised as he watched me continue to take light sips.

"Aw, daddy is being all protective," I joked, for which he rolled his eyes, but he definitely secretly loved it.

"Oh, Katy, you know me too well," He laughed, mimicking my voice but in an awful, pitchy, irritable tone that I couldn't help but giggle at, even though he was making fun of me.

"Now get your cute little butt downstairs, we've got a long day ahead of us. Ange and Svend are here already," He continued, raising an eyebrow before he eased himself up and off of the bed.

I giggled as he walked out of the room, and I relaxed further into my bed, the pillows around me almost begging me to go back to sleep. I sipped on my coffee in silence, enjoying the blissfulness of the moment. It was true... We did have a big day ahead.

John and I were going to our first lamaze class together. He seemed excited for it, which was cute, but I myself wasn't looking forward to it. Watching a bunch of videos of women giving birth and then having to pretend to do it on your own? Yeah, no thanks. I wanted to ignore the reality of labour as long as possible. This whole thing was John and Angela's idea, so I guess I'd give it a try. Surely it's not going to be that bad, right?

I finally made myself get out of bed, placing the empty mug on the bedside table before walking over to my duffel bag, pulling out a pair of jeans and a shirt with a cardigan over the top. Thank God John and I were going home later today, I don't know how much longer I could go living out of a single bag. It was driving me crazy. After all, I toured with so many suitcases I couldn't account for all of them most of the time. It was a shock to my system to have this little amount of luggage.

I changed into the jeans and oversized shirt, sliding them over my lingerie I'd been wearing from last night. I noticed my jeans were starting to feel a little tight, which made me pout my lips. I didn't want to get bigger. I already wasn't happy enough with my body right now... But I guess I had a valid excuse.

"Hey guys," I said as I walked into the lounge room, where everyone was watching TV, spread around the room. I made a cheeky face as I made eye contact with my sister, who I hadn't seen before I'd had my little freak out a couple of days ago. I felt really bad for leaving her like that, but I'm sure once I got the chance to explain to her what happened, she'd understand. I was in need of an in-depth talk with the person who's opinion I treasured the most. I was determined to explain myself to her before we left tonight... I owed that to her, and I owed that to myself.

"Hey Kate," David said as I sat beside him on the floor, crossing my legs and leaning back, using my elbows to steady myself. Totally unladylike, but no other way to sit was comfortable right now.

"You still wanna come with us today?" Angela asked from where she was sitting over on the loveseat sofa, her legs curled under as she rested her head on the arms of the sofa.

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