Chapter Forty-Six: My Darling, My Katy

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"KATY!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, my scream echoing throughout the streets. No one. There was no one.

Especially not the one person I wanted to hear my calls. I wiped the sweat and tears off of my face angrily with the back of my hand, kicking a rock hard with my foot as I let out my frustration, my cries that only I seemed to be able to hear.

I drunkenly stumbled my way home, I'd spent the past two days looking around for Katy. Calling everyone I knew. Her parents were distraught. Angela was distraught. David was distraught. I was... Beyond broken. No one had a clue where she was. Not her friends, not her family, not her team, not her fans.

I'd spent the past however many hours stumbling around the town for what was probably the twentieth time in a day, crying as I took gulps of the gin I'd bought from a liquor store last night. I don't even know how much I'd had to drink, it seemed to numb the pain, before it came back almost as quickly. I finally managed to find the keys to Katy's parents' house in the pocket of my jacket, fiddling with the lock and pushing the door open, so forcibly I almost fell inside with it.

"John..." Mary's voice said, and I looked up from where I'd been looking at the floor to look her in her eyes as she walked down the hallway towards me. She looked broken. Distraught. Sad.

"I... I can't find her," I attempted to say before I broke down into tears, and I felt her warm embrace as I cried into her shoulder. The shoulder of a woman who was feeling just as awful as I did right now. I couldn't imagine the stress of your child missing... Only, now I could. Katy, she was pregnant... Anything could've happened to her.

"Sssh, it's okay dear, it's okay, you're alright..." She cooed into my shoulder as I felt myself break down further and further, unable to control the extreme emotions taking over my body right now. How could I? I had no idea where my girlfriend was, I couldn't imagine how her family felt. We didn't know a single thing right now. We just had to play the waiting game... Which was inevitably killing me.

I suddenly heard a phone ringing from the living room... It was overbearingly loud, and it was already driving me crazy, it seeming to do something to my hearing so that I felt like I was hallucinating.

Mary instantly let go of my shoulders and ran to it, and I followed her, struggling to regain my balance as I stumbled down the hall after her. My conscience was telling me to follow her, though it was hard to drag my exhausted, drunk body down the hallway which seemed to go for miles.

I finally reached the doorway looking over to see Mary's facial expression change as she held the phone to her ear, and I watched as she looked at the floor strangely, almost distant, gripping the phone in her hand and her body shaking.

"Katy, she... She's... She's..." Mary tried to stutter out, attempting to look up to meet everyone in the room, before collapsing into tears, the phone slamming against the ground as she pressed her hands to her face, screaming painfully as she sobbed uncontrollably, Keith rushing to her aid, wrapping her in his arms as he struggled to comprehend what we'd all just had to understand. Her cries were the most horrible ones I've ever heard... Because she was grieving.

I looked over to Angela, who was crying into Svend's shoulder, and to David, who was screaming, punching a pillow as tears slid down his face. I felt like my entire world had fallen apart.
It has fallen apart.

I stood, in the middle of the living room, struggling to comprehend it. My jaw dropped, my eyes widened. I was paralysed in shock. I couldn't move, my feet were planted into the ground like cement. I finally felt my body give way, and my body hit the ground so hard it numbed my entire body, but not enough to let my emotions flow through.

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