Chapter Seven: Sweet, Sweet Ecstacy

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John and I continued to look at each other, not saying a word. I had no clue who would be knocking on my door at this time of day. The sun had gone down long ago, and the house was completely dark minus the light in the lounge room where we were. Was it Tamra? Bradford? Surely they would've called. Could it be a fan, who had somehow gotten access to my address?

"I don't know who that could be...." I said to John, his t-shirt tightly gripped in my hands.
"Just go and see who's there. I'll come with you," he replied, moving to pull himself up.
"No," I said, making my body clench so he couldn't move. "No one knows about us yet."
"Katy, just relax. Whoever it is, is likely Erika or Tamra, maybe Ferras. Let's go, don't worry about what they might think."
I let him pull me off of him, straightening myself up before putting my hand in his and walking towards the door. As we got closer, I could hear giggles from the outside. It sounded like two girls, but I was still dumbfounded as to who it could be.

"MIA! Shannon! What the fuck?!" I said after I opened the door, my hand immediately slipping out of John's as I gave the both of them hugs.
"What? How? I.... I thought you were overseas? Shan, I thought you were filming?" I said, half in amusement, half in complete confusion.

"I got back this morning, I texted you about it as soon as I landed but you didn't respond, loser!" Mia responded, laughing.
"Yeah, and I'm filming but now I'm on a rotating schedule where we start at 7am and finish at 3, so that works perfectly. It means I can see everyone again, so.... Surprise!" Shannon replied, lifting her sunglasses on to the top of her head.
I laughed as the three of us hugged together, still as close from the day we first met. In all the confusion and excitement, I'd somehow forgotten that John was beside me, standing awkwardly watching us. He got along with Mia and Shannon really well, but they hadn't seen each other since John and I broke up at the beginning of this year, and now it was all a little tense.

"So," John said, breaking the silence. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, I'll come over before you leave. Bye babe, I love you." He said, leaning towards me and giving me a light, gentle kiss. I didn't want him to leave, but I knew it would just make it more awkward until I explained everything to the girls.
"See you in the morning. I love you too," I said, smiling sweetly as he walked between the girls and out to his car.
I let the girls inside, locking the door behind us and lead into the kitchen, going into the refrigerator and getting a bottle of raspberry vitamin water, leaning against the island counted while I sipped it. I watched as Mia and Shannon had their focus on me, eyebrows raised amusingly, making me lose my composed self all of a sudden and burst out laughing, spraying water from my mouth everywhere.

"You both look like you've seen a ghost. Calm the hell down" I said, still laughing while wiping up my mess.

"Oh we're fine, it's you we should be worried about." Shannon replied, before looking at Mia, who was staring directly back with the 'stop before it's too late' eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?" The tone in my voice, as well as my mood, instantly changed into defensive-mode.

"She doesn't mean anything Katy. We are just confused, I thought you hadn't seen him since the day you both broke it off?" Mia replied, sounding nervous.

"We hadn't. Except I contacted him and we went to dinner. We've talked things through and we want to make it work. At least that's the short version of things anyway," I said, finishing my water and throwing it into the trashcan.

"What made you go back to him? You never mentioned anything about him last time we talked, not that you have to say anything though. It's your life, we trust everything you do, even though sometimes you think we don't," Shannon said, smiling slightly, causing the same reaction from me. I knew that they cared for me and didn't want me to get hurt, and I let go of feeling the need to defend myself and John.

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