Chapter Thirty: XO, I Love You

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"Hello, I'm Doctor Stevensen, or you can call me Alice. It's nice to meet the both of you," She said genuinely, placing her hand out to us. I shook her hand, smiling at her, as did John. I just couldn't believe it... People here were so nice. It made me realise the people in Los Angeles must just be complete assholes. I haven't been around these kind of warm-hearted, welcoming people in God knows how long.

"I'm Katy, well, Katheryn, and this is John. We are usually based in LA, I'm not too sure if my medical information was passed through to you," I said, my hand in John's as I focused on the Doctor, who looked back and forth between us.

"Oh yes, yes Pete faxed through your information earlier this morning after I called him. Congratulations to you both on the pregnancy, that's such exciting news," She said, smiling sweetly before all three of us walked down the corridor and toward her office, which appeared to be on the left hand side.

She pushed the door open, holding it as John and I walked though, sitting in the two seats that were placed directly in front of her desk.

"Thank you so much! It all feels a little surreal right now," I said happily, my hand still in John's as we sat patiently.

"It's natural to feel like that. However, when you see your baby that all disappears and it starts to get very exciting," She replied, her voice soothing and warm. She almost reminded me of a modern-day Mary Poppins, so gentle and kind-hearted. She sat at her desk, placing a pair of glasses over her eyes as she focused on the computer screen, before printing out sheets of paper and laying them in front of her.

"Now, before we get started I just need to ask you some questions. You've probably heard these a million times before, but now that you are expecting, I'm sure you can understand these are a little more important," She continued, clasping her hands in front of her on the desk.

"Of course," I replied sweetly, my nerves still swirling around in my stomach like wildfire.

"Alright. Are you a smoker?" She said, reading off the sheet in front of her.

"I used to smoke occasionally when I drunk, but not for years now," I said honestly, sitting up straight in my seat.

"Okay. Have you suffered any illnesses lately, and are you on any medication?"

"I'm currently on antibiotics for extreme exhaustion, but that's it."

"Oh okay, I see hear that your doctor gave them to you last week, and they're definitely safe to take during pregnancy. That's all I needed to ask, so now we can get to the exciting part," She said, signing off on the sheet of paper in front of her and filing it into a drawer below.

I exhaled deeply in complete nervousness and excitement, looking to John. He looked almost as nervous as I did, if not more. I don't think I've ever seen him look the way he did right now, he almost looked as if he was going to cry.

"Let's do this babes," I said to him, leaning over and kissing his cheek, which was rough with his stubble.

He squeezed my hand, widening his eyes and smiling as we got out of our seats, walking over toward the bed and machine at the other side of the room.

"Now, Katy, if I could get you to lay down on here for me, and John, you can stand wherever you like so you can see the monitor I'll have going," She continued, walking over and fiddling with the keyboard at the monitor.

"Okay," I said shakily, the nerves only continuing to double inside of me. I laid down, looking over to my left to see John, who had sat in the chair that was placed there. He reached his hand out, and I gripped it tightly, pulling it closer to me.

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