Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Better Half Of Me

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"Wow," I said, almost breathlessly as I looked out to the beautiful Montana sky which laid around us, making me feel so at peace with the world.

"I never tire of this place," John said, looking out to the same direction I was, his face gentle and collected.

"I can see why, it's so peaceful here," I said honestly, admiring the mountains that lay ahead in the near distance.

I continued to take in the beautiful view as I ate my breakfast, forking the bowl of fresh fruit salad into my mouth, occasionally stopping to take a sip of orange juice. I truly cherished moments like these, mostly because it was rare to have time alone together without fans or paparazzi intruding. I smiled at myself as I continued to take in the surroundings, the sound of birds chirping creating a peaceful atmosphere.

I felt John's warm hand place itself on mine on the table, making me focus my attention back to him, smiling through my mouthful of food.

"I can't believe we are a family now," He said, his eyes full of love.

I squeezed his hand, swallowing my food and smiling back at him.

"I know... It's kinda scary," I replied honestly, crinkling my nose as I smiled, clearing my throat before continuing. "But it's the best kind of scary," I finished, raising my eyebrows as John nodded.

"This changes everything," He said, and I could tell he was thinking about something.

"I know," I sighed in agreement. Life as we both knew it was going to change in every way possible. " I don't know if I'm ready for it,"

"What do you mean?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed, which made him even more adorable.

"I don't know how my career and this is going to mix. I'm probably going to have to choose," I answered, biting my lip in thought. It was true. Out of all the times to become pregnant, now wasn't really ideal. I was still promoting PRISM on the tour, and I was working on my fourth record in the studio.

"You won't have to choose, Kate. You're just in the peak of your career right now," He said gently in a soothing tone.

"Which is what I mean. I'm scared to tell everyone," I continued, the butterflies in my stomach flaring up again.

"Everyone's going to be so happy for you. Maybe not everyone at the studio right now, but your friends and family. This is the next chapter of your life," He continued, his smile radiated onto me, making me start to feel a little more relaxed.

"I'm just worried about the tour. I can't just cancel it," I stated, biting my lip. I hated the thought of letting my fans down.

"Yes you can. Or you can sort something out. It will all work out, don't worry about it just yet, okay?" He coped softly, his face gentle and calm.

"I just don't know if I can do this, John..." I sighed, confessing as I looked into his eyes guiltily.

"Do what Kate?" He asked, lifting his coffee up to his mouth delicately before placing it back down on the table.

"Be a Mom. I have so many things lined up for me and it's all going to be on hold. I don't know if I can bring a child into the world that we live in, it's going to be so much to handle," I finished, sighing as I looked down at our hands.

"There's going to be paparazzi and fans no matter what happens. We will just have to take extra measures to ensure they're safe, that's all," He answered back firmly, his face serious.

"I don't want their innocence and childhood taken away by some men with cameras. It ruins everything about your privacy... I want them to be able to have a normal life," I bit my lip as I thought about the paparazzi constantly around. I'd only had to deal with it my professional life, not ever since I was born. I felt selfish for doing this to the baby.

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