Chapter Thirteen: Queen of California

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".... Falling slowly, eyes that know me
And I can't go back
Moods that take me and erase me
And I'm painted black
You have suffered enough
And warred with yourself
It's time that you won

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice

You've made it now
Falling slowly sing your melody
I'll sing along....."

The both of us finished the song, immediately looking into each other's eyes, beaming, as the crowd erupted from complete silence into sounding like a football stadium. We turned our heads, to see that everyone was out of their seats.

A standing ovation from an audience. Wow.

John and I both giggled, before I felt John pull me in, kissing my lips tenderly, his arms around my neck, which then caused the crowd to become even louder, the cheers growing.

If they didn't figure we were together during the songs we had just sung together, they definitely knew it now.

I kissed John again, before walking off of the stage. Tonight had been beautiful. Singing both 'Who You Love' and 'Falling Slowly' with John was so simple, but yet it meant so much. It was a way to show our love for one another, while giving towards a charity, which was something the both of us held close in our hearts. I had felt so honoured that John had asked me to sing with him... In a way, I was still that twenty-something year old girl who would go crazy over him. It was unbelievable that I was in a relationship with someone who I admired for so long, and who felt the same way towards me. I never thought I was anyone special, and no one ever made me feel that way until I met him.

He was an incredible singer, songwriter, overall musician.... But more importantly, he was so incredibly smart and intellectual. He was a combination of all the right ingredients, and there wasn't a moment that passed where I didn't remind myself how lucky I was to be with him.

Everything felt official now, that we had finally let the 'secret' out to the world that we were together again, though we were bound to be found out sooner or later. This felt like the right way to do it, but more importantly, the right moment and the right time.

I continued smiling as I walked down into the audience to watch John continue the rest of his show. God, he was incredible. I hoped that one day, if we ever had children together, they would take after him. He was just so perfect in every single way.

"Congratulations to you both, Katy. You make such a beautiful couple. I truly wish all the best for you," I heard as I turned my head to the voice, before smiling at the stranger sweetly.

"Thank you so much. That means a lot to us," I replied, as I continued smiling ear to ear as his sweet voice played in my ears.

It was the best feeling being referred to as simply Katy and John. Not John Mayer and Katy Perry, just simply as Katy and John. We were treated like any other normal couple, and I really loved that. It was the simple things that meant so much to me, especially at this point in my life.

I felt like everything that I had been through before, and even after I met John, had been well worth it, to experience the pure happiness that I was at that very moment. I never felt complete until I was in love. And boy, was I head over heels for John Mayer. He was The One.


I stepped off of the stage, my smile not able to be contained. It was an insane, crazy emotional roller coaster I had put myself through by singing that song, but I knew there couldn't have been a song more fitting for the occasion. Not only was I finishing off the PRISM era, but I had sung By the Grace of God to bring awareness to the harshness reality of domestic violence, something I was deeply touched by, especially through the speech that had been delivered by our President, Barack Obama, just moments before I walked onstage.

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