Chapter Thirty-Three: Mercury In Retrograde

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"Katy? Are you alright? Katy?" I heard Shannon's voice pipe, moving my head up to face her fingers she was clicking in front me.

"Huh? What? Uh... Yeah I'm fine," I said, the thoughts racing over in my mind coming to a halt, and probably making me look like I'd seen a ghost or something.

"Are you sure? You've been completely spaced out for the past half hour," She said as she placed her hands on her hips, her eyebrows crossed, and a stern look of concern readable across her beautiful brunette features.

"I'm fine. I... I have to go actually," I said, collecting my things and pulling myself off of the sofa. "I'll see you guys later okay?"

"Uh, sure. Text me if you need anything," Shannon replied, smiling at me as I did the same.

I quickly found the kitchen of Mia's house, which we'd decided to come to a few hours ago after being at Starbucks for God knows how long, and grabbed my car keys which I had placed on the bench earlier before going towards the door. I stopped at the mirror in the hallway to fix my hair quickly, throwing it into a bun on the top of my head. I was still in the same clothes from this morning, but I didn't care.

I'd made the decision to meet with John on a whim. I really couldn't be bothered, but I didn't want this to turn into a huge argument either. I walked towards my car, unlocking it with my keys before opening the door and putting the keys into the ignition. I sat there, buckling my seat belt as I let the car warm up, thinking. I felt horrible for the way I talked to him earlier, it was definitely uncalled for. I knew I needed to apologise for the way I acted, because I should know myself that when you're in the studio it's almost impossible to stay in contact with anyone when you're working that hard, as much as you try.

I slowly reversed out of the driveway of Mia's house, starting to make my way towards the beach, which was actually only ten minutes away. I turned the radio on, though I couldn't really concentrate on it. My mind kept buzzing over the same thoughts that had been circulating for days and days. I was starting to grow nervous for the next leg of the tour, which I would have to fly out for in a week's time. This time off had gone so fast, it like only yesterday I was in Europe. My career was flashing in front of my eyes, and I'd started to have flashbacks of everything. This tour, the California Dreams Tour, the Hello Katy tour, God, even back to the Warped days. I desperately wanted to start on my next concept for my album and tour, but it had to wait now.

It felt like just as I was in the prime time, everything had to stop.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't realised I'd already drove to the beach, and was parking my car. I turned my head and I saw that John's black Range Rover was down a little further, which made me nervous. I shouldn't even be nervous, I haven't seen him in a couple of days. This should be exciting.

I sighed, placing my hands on my steering wheel, trying to tell myself to pull my shit together and just walk out of the car. I hated confrontation, especially when I knew the fault was partially, if not all, mine. I unbuckled my seatbelt as I reached over to the passenger seat to get my sweater, before opening the car door and stepping out. I placed the sweater over my head, before getting my keys and my phone, placing them into the pocket of my jeans.

I had no idea where we were supposed to be meeting, he'd just said the beach, which I guess was very abstract. It was our favourite beach in Los Angeles as it was nice and private and very secluded unlike Santa Monica beach. The surroundings were beautiful, the impending sunset giving the beach a gorgeous glow, lighting up the sand that I was now standing on. I noticed a figure in the distance, who was sitting down on a rock, overlooking the beach. Their back was turned to me, but I could tell that it was John.

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