Hidden Agenda

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Batman Beyond 'Fan Fiction Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode# 17 - Hidden Agenda

A businessman rushes to catch up with a vertical train. Once on board, he is terrified to find a gang of Jokerz are the only other occupants. They begin terrorizing the businessman, then their leader, a man in zombie makeup who calls himself 'Terminal' releases a set of vicious, razor-sharp gag teeth, before the Jokerz exit the train. You want to learn more about the group? Megan's got the scoop. Sometimes she does to appear and so on in this series is all.

Megan: Carter Wilson adopted the identity of 'Terminal' and made himself the undisputed leader of a small group of Jokerz. They engaged in the usual terrorizing of random victims, with occasional asides to Wilson's personal agenda. Members -

Tayko is an athletic girl in Terminal's gang. She was there for fun and liked showing off her athletic skills. She wasn't much of a fighter, but she could defend herself.

At first, Carter seemed to be everything a student could be: smart, handsome, popular, star athlete, class president. Inside, he was morbidly sensitive about his reputation and his sense of achievement; this came from the constant harangues of his cold-hearted mother, who constantly pushed him to be perfect and at the top in everything. At some point, he adopted the alias 'Terminal', along with a frightening costume resembling a weird cross between a zombie and an escaped mental patient. Before long, he had a gang of Jokerz under his personal command whom he dominated through his intelligence and the force of his personality. In part, this may have been his way of rebelling against his mother's strict authority. On the other hand, it was also his unconscious way of lashing out at a world that his mother portrayed as cold and unforgiving to anyone who wasn't 'the best'.

Trey left school at sixth grade to join the Jokerz. Though he had an imposing physique, he wasn't very tough. He helped J-Man in a raid on Club 54 Level, before joining Terminal.

Weasel was known for his high-pitched holler. He was part of Terminal's subgroup of Jokerz, but also attended other gatherings. He was armed with a flail, but also carried heavier equipment underneath his coat.

Now back with our story...As the teeth tear at the businessman's clothes, he is driven to the door and falls out into the sky. Batwoman arrives to stop the sharp teeth toys.

"The teeth have been pulled." she said.

Now for the man to save next for Gwen to alert her partner.

"(Batman! He's fall!)"

Batman narrowly saves him.

"I got him...!" falls down to saving the man in time and knowing who was behind it all. "Jokerz..."

"Not those clowns again..." Batwoman complained.

While leaving the scene of the crime, one of the Jokerz, Trey, makes a sarcastic comment, which Terminal responds to by grabbing him by the necklace and dangling him off the edge of a building's roof. Trey hurriedly apologizes, but even the other Jokerz are taken aback by this cold-blooded display from their leader as Terminal walks away. At Hamilton Hill High School, the results for the standardized test, 'GAT', are posted.

"Looks like our GAT's have been posted." said Terry.

Gwen never heard of the word.


"It stands for grade average totals."

"I don't want to look at mine..." Dana feels a bit nervous. "But it's not like we have a choice."

The top score, a perfect 2400, goes to Maxine 'Max' Gibson, leading many people to speculate that she is the leading candidate for class valedictorian.

"2400?! That's a perfect score!" Terry was surprised.

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