Where's Terry?

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Batman Beyond 'Fan Fiction Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode# 37 – Where's Terry?

Terry, Gwen, Dana, Maxine, and Howard walk out of the Majestic Theater after watching the classic movie Casablanca.

"So what'd you think of it, Howard?" Terry asks his friend.

"Been there, done that."

Howard thinks Terry was talking about the food.

"He was talking about the movie, Howard, not the snack bar." Max tells him.

"It beats better than getting too hungry..." said Dana.

"Or seeing movies with real powers like mine." Gwen shows off her works. "In fact, I never felt better on my fire to be so well done."

It was cool for Gwen to be in self-control of her fire powers for the other four to watch.

"It's great." said Dana. "You know, Gwen. I thought at first you would be trouble, to then not liking you, to slowly getting it, but now I see you're a good person to Terry. You two make the right couple. I was wrong about you and I hope we can still be friends."

"Sure, Dana, we two got to care about Terry differently, right?"

"For caring and understanding, we both do. I will love someone again. For now, I'm glad to be friends."

Terry and Dana do hug it out to still love as friends they are and always will be.

"I'm happy you two are getting along." he said.

"Hey, Dana...Maybe we can go out sometimes...?" Howard tries asking Dana.

Well, she'll just be friends with Howard for him to have a girlfriend of his own one day.

"Do't push it, Howard." she said to him.

Almost losing balance for Gwen to fall, Terry catches her in time to almost getting burned.


Shocking to the others, Terry wasn't even hurt.

"Are you kidding me, Gwen? This is nothing. I'm quite use to it."

Seems to have no effect on those from Gwen to truly care about. The others then laugh to see Gwen's other cool tricks.

"Please don't scare us like that, Terry." Dana tells him.

"Oh! Gwen!" Howard had an idea. "Do the thing I like!"


She does a trick of making animals shadow puppet shapes of many to not stop for the others to like seeing it.

"Do mine!" Max tells her.

Gwen then does a silly face thing of many emotions.

"Now mine."

With Terry asking next, Gwen does a fart sound to make fire burst up in the air to be funny to watch and had the others laughing. What a fun time to be with friends for Gwen to go out with her boyfriends and other she cares about.

"This is fun." Dana said with a smile.

Terry and Gwen begin to talk, with Gwen revealing it was nice to spend quality time together but is upset of how both of their jobs interfere sometimes.

"Hey, Terry, it's nice to get out like this a lot. You and I with good friends during the night."

"It is when we're not busy so much." he said. However, Terry reassures her that despite his job and hers, he reveals that she is more important to him. "Still, you're most important to me, Gwen, so much I can't be away from you for one day."

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