Terry's Friend Dates a Robot

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Batman Beyond 'Fan Fiction Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode# 25 - Terry's Friend Dates a Robot

Batman prepares for battle while Bruce trains him on fighting the criminal adversaries. While Gwen learns the fire controls and herself to be fighting as Batwoman on the other side of the Batcave room. The Riddler, Two-Face, and Killer Croc all fight against him, but the new Batman is just as effective against them as his mentor.

"How's Terry doing, Uncle Bruce?" Gwen checks on his progress.

"Like you are controlling your fire powers better every day, Terry's improving."

During the fight with Croc, Batman rips his head off revealing it to be a robot.

"I see...But maybe improving a bit too much for you to lay it down on him."

"You like what you saw there, huh Gwen?" Terry asks her.

"It was pretty cool." Gwen answers back.

Bruce says he has improved but could be a little more subtle.

"Not bad, but your execution could be more...upgrade." He instructs Terry to get a replacement robot after school.

Out at Hamilton Hill High School, Howard goes around the school announcing a party at his house, but no one seems to be interested. From Nelson and his gang...

"Who I want to see most at the place if I do go is Gwen and Dana."

And the same with Chelsea, Blade, and Dana.

"He can't be serious..."

"What if he is for us to have some fun there? Think about it."

For Dana to see Terry and Gwen to be sitting next to each other to see how Howard was doing, she was still feeling down for being dumped. It might be a while for her to feel better to hanging out as friends again.

"Who knows...And with those two, I rather not stay with them forever." she said.

Terry and Gwen tell him to give up on the popular students and that he's being shallow.

"I just want to be popular." he said.

"Come on, Howard, it's who you are that counts...not what you are like me for others like who I am with or without fire powers." Gwen shows them off a little. "But I still don't want to be a popular one at this school."

"No wonder why you have the hots for her now, Terry."

"Howard, come on..." Terry was blushing. "But you know we'll be at the party for sure."

Howard, however, doesn't care and claims that what he really wants is a cool girlfriend and popularity.

"If I can try to get Chelsea, Blade, or Dana to think I'm cool to have a girlfriend like one of them or some other hot girl, others will know of me." he said to them.

Is that even wise to try to do?

"But Dana might be a bit angry not to go out with any guy right now. (She's still mad at me, I still want to be her friend.)" Gwen then reminds Terry about the robot to pick up next. "Ah, Terry..."

"I know, got to get another robot for Mr. Wayne. Thanks, Gwen."

Terry and Gwen go off to the Synthroid factory and brings Howard along for the ride. While Terry deals with paperwork for Gwen to help him out, Howard wanders around and sees Louie, an employee, create a female for an unknown customer. Intrigued, Howard goes to Louie and orders a special order for himself in spite of the fact that he's told that it's illegal. He's specific about her appearance, particularly the height, hair, and eye color, but when it comes to personality, he only says she has to be absolutely devoted to him. For Gwen to feel something out to be an odd feeling that could turn out to be dangerous later on.

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