dna Digivolve practice

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Serena and crusadermon go for dna Digivolve first on cue medium red digital circle above them in 6 feet as they begins to glow pink & yellow aura inside of them.

Serena: "Serena Yvonne!"

Crusadermon: "crusadermon!"

They flew up toward circle with twirling each othe and said it together, "dna Digivolve evolve to.." They went through red digital circle with red glowing bright light bit and faded away to reveal transformation between Serena and crusadermon is same crusadermon but different like golden titanium queen crown attached on top of her head, blue ribbons on it's body, and it's carries golden shield like a crossbow. She begins to speak with the voice of Serena and crusadermon, "queencrusadermon!" That's surprised everyone in the training ground.

Captain venderquack: "that's crusadermon ultimate level, queencrusadermon."

Korrina: "soo cool."

Tien: "(whistle)."

Goh: "way to go Serena."

Lexi: "not bad at all."

Captain venderquack: "okay kiddo, you're up."

He nodded his head as he and raridramon started to glow blue and light blue aura inside of them.

Claw: "claw Ketchum!'

Raridramon: "raridramon!"

They flew up in the sky toward circle with twirling each other and said it together, "dna Digivolve to..." They went through the circle with red bright light in a second and faded way to reveal humanoid raridramon who wears black chrome armor with yellow and black band running down its sides. It's has a sharp spikes protruding from it's mask and still got lightning-shaped spikes from its back, got futuristic cannon as right hand. He's tall like metalgraymon. Begins to speak with claw and raridramon in a same time, "victoryraridramon."

Dendra: "wow, that's raridramon new ultimate level form."

Kotone: "yeah, it's victoryraridramon."

Lexi: "good job guys, you should test it against gigantamax pokemon might show up in other universes on Saturday."

Victoryraridramon/queencrusadermon:  sounds good to us."

[New chapter is out for today]

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