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Y/N's POV....

We had successfully escaped and killed--or at least shortened that herd down the road behind us as we rode back to Alexanderia. From there, me and A.J had gotten to know more about the people cramped in the back seat of my car. Aaron had been in Alexandria ever since the start of it all. Before he and T-Dog went on this journey in search of more people out west, he was a recruiter for Alexanderia, and Rick grimes one his most trusted allie through the years. T-Dog tells us that his real name is Theodore Douglas, and he used to play football in college before the walkers.
Even though I didn't give a shit, Sebastian was vauge about his past, but it sounds like he came from a very wealthy family from California. As for his time in this community out west called The Commonwealth, he was great friends with the leaders, Pamela and Lance Milton, and a man named Mercer. However, to reasons he wouldn't share, he and his girlfriend had to leave and got separated with some trusted friends somewhere in Colorado or Nebraska while on the way to Richmond or any of the other communities out here. But after what happened back on the highway, I really don't care where he goes, but I give him the best of luck in finding his girlfriend in Richmond.

We were about an hour down the road, ten minutes away to Alexanderia, when we had to stop because Sebastian had to take a piss break. So we waited on the side of the road while Sebastian was in the tree line, peeing on a tree.

"You know, you could've gone when we got to Alexanderia." A.J says annoyed as we all waited impatiently by my car. Except for Dayrl, who went to search the area for any danger while we waited.

"Hey, sorry but I had been holding this in ever since we got into that mess in Roanoke. So I apologize twice for my bladder about to pop in me." Sebastian says as he turns his head to us. When suddenly, Dayrl showed up seemingly out of nowhere by Sebastian and scares him. Jumping and getting pee on Dayrl's boot, instantly zipping up his fly while Aaron and T-dog masks their laughs with their hands. Daryl just slowly looked down at his boot and back up at Sebastian, who was slowly backing up a bit, instantly knowing he's gonna get his ass kicked. Dayrl kept his cool but we could all tell he wants to beat this annoying asshole into the ground now.

"Alright, your done. Let's go." Dayrl shoves him back to my car. "MOVE!" While Sebastian stumbles while saying sorry a bunch.

"Wait a minute, the fucks wrong with you! Why did you walk up on me when my dick was out? Fucking pervert." Sebastian says.

"Not like he could see much." I added in as I lighted up a cigarette with a match and T-dog and Aaron smirked at this.

"What--?" A.J says to my before I shook my head no meaning don't ask. Sebastian gets in the car while Daryl tries to wipe the piss off his boot on the leaves and gets back on his bike. Just as we were all about to get in my car, we hear lots of gunshots coming from the direction to Alexanderia!

"Is that coming from Alexanderia?!" A.J said.

"Yes. We gotta go. Buckle up everyone!" I said while starting the engine and shifting it into gear and taking off down the road with Daryl driving close behind us.

"What if it's an ambush? We're seriously not going into that head on, are we?" Sebastian says.

"Shut up or I swear to God, I will kick you out of this motherfucking car!" T-Dog says, fed up with his bullshit.

"I'm just saying that we need to plan for this instead of going in like--." Sebastian says, continuing on being a coward. I quickly checked to see if dayrl was too close following behind us. He was far enough for me to start pressing the breaks to stop, which Sebastian caught on and instantly apologized. I then sped back up and made our way back to Alexanderia while smirking a little.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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