Chapter 1 - Jordan

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I can't believe it's finally over. Those four years of hell are finally over. I honestly just hope that college is so much better than high school. I know the partying won't change but I'm praying that people will mature.

I walked out of the arena, taking one final look at my class that I know, I won't miss. You may think I'm exaggerating but in complete honesty, I probably only like maybe two or three people out of my entire class. And one of them is my best friend, Alison.

"Jordan! Jordan!" I hear faintly over all the chatting of families crying and congratulating their graduate. I turn and scan my eyes and see my short best friend pop out of the crowd with her cap on and her tassel hitting her in the face, but she continues to run for me.

I stop and giggle at her huge smile and her stumbling in the heels which make her much taller than she really is.

"Oh my gosh! This is insane!" She exclaims once she reaches me.

"Aw look, you actually reach my shoulders now." I snicker and tease her.

"Ha,ha." She sarcastically, laughs emotionless. She hugs me and I hug her back.

"We're finally done." I say and sigh. She nods and smiles. "It's crazy." She replies.

"Alison!" We both turn our heads to see her mom speeding towards us while holding onto Alison's little brothers hand. "Alison, we need to go." Her mom said and than started to ramble in Spanish as I stood their clueless. Alison rolled her eyes at whatever her mom was saying.

"Can Jordan sleep over?" She asked her mom in English after her mom finished speaking. Her mom looked at me and nodded. I took my phone out of my purse and texted my dad, telling him I was going to Alison's.

Once we got to Alison's house and into her room, we pulled off our cap and gowns and I could feel the emotion build up in the air. It was hard to believe it was all over. No more lockers, no more crazy lunches, no more hanging out near the drama department after school, no more being stuck with the same people.

After we got all comfortable and she loaned me some PJ's, we sat in her bed and put some music on.

"What do you plan on doing this summer?" She asked, turning towards me.

"Nothing. It's our last summer after high school, I want to make it special but I don't know."

"Ugh! Same." She squealed with frustration. "I wish my mom wasn't so uptight. I mean, I'm turning 18 this summer, she needs to lighten up!" I giggled. Alison's mom was extremely strict, but her mom is cool. We can do whatever we want as long as it's at Alison's house, but it takes a lot for Alison to be able to get out of her house.

Silence settled in as a nodded slowly agreeing with her statement.

"What did you get for a graduation present?" She asked, removing the silence.

"Ha, nothing." I looked down. I wasn't sad about it. I knew my parents would do something for me eventually. "What about you?" I asked her, trying to make it seem like I wasn't that disappointed.

"My grandparents gave me like 300 bucks. My mom didn't really do much but she's planning on getting me a new car, I'm pretty sure" She tried to say casually so I didn't feel bad. I didn't feel bad though, I was happy for her.

"That's so cool!" I smiled for her.

"Yeah, thanks..." She said and then stopped as she looked like she was thinking really hard.

"What?" I asked, I knew she was thinking of something.

"I have an idea." She smiled, kind of evil-like. I laughed and tried to get it out of her what is was.

"What if... What if we traveled over the summer, we should go do something fun."

"Ha, okay well one, your mom would never, and two, I'm broke."

"You think I don't realize that?" She laughs. "I could tell my mom to drop the car and let me go over summer as my graduation present and I can pay for you."

"Are you crazy? I wouldn't let you pay for me!" I hopped out of the bed and went to grab my cup of tea on the dresser.

"Oh common, who else would I go with? I need you!" She also hopped out of the bed and stood in front of me.

"Tamara? I don't know but I can't accept you paying for me, plus I doubt your mom would be okay with you paying for me, and I would be shocked if she even let you go!" I exclaim as I finish gulping my tea.

"Tamara's mom would never let her go, she's only a sophomore and I want you to go! And I can convince my mom!" She begs as her voice gets more high pitched.

"I'll think about it. I just don't want you paying for me. I can see if I can get my own ticket." I say as I sit back on the bed.

"Okay, but seriously I don't care. If it makes you feel better, you can just pay me back whenever you want." She sits by me.

"That may work." I smile. She laughs and claps her hands in excitement.

We fell asleep on her bed and the next morning I leave, and we both agree to talk to our parents about it that day.

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