Chapter 19- Jordan

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"You have no idea who it could be, texting me, involving you?" I say in disbelief as he continues to hold my phone and observe the texts and number.

He shakes his head. "No clue, it could be multiple people." He laughed.

"Well aren't you soooo cool." I scoffed. He laughed. "It says WE." I point out to him.

"Yeah, that could be maaaany pairs of girls." He said in the same tone as his last statement.

"Ugh, that's disgusting." I gagged which made his chuckle.

"It obviously has to be someone at the hotel if they've seen us around each other." I say as we walk slowly. Chris just shrugged which annoyed me because this whole thing clearly didn't phase him at all. I wouldn't be surprised if it has happened before.

I observed out surroundings as we walked and there were many girls and guys walking around with just bathing suits and then others with designer clothing on which was an odd mix. It's how it was at the hotel too though.

"Are we close to a beach?" I ask finally breaking another silence.

"Uh yeah." Chris answered as he looked around, squinting his eyes at the sun. I realized I had been too and flipped my sun glasses on from the top of my head.

"Venice is close by." He finally said, breaking another silence.

"I've always wanted to go to Venice." I finally say.

"Well do you want to go?" I was taken aback by his question because it didn't involve his own happiness. "There are some really hot girls around there." He continued. I spoke too soon.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "We don't have bathing suits?" I question.

"You don't need a bathing suit. There's other things to do. Have you ever been to the beach?" He asked all high and mighty as if I was entering unknown territory that he was an expert on.

"I live in Florida." I simply said. He nodded, slightly pushing his ego away now.

"Alright well let's go then, I'll text my brother." He said as he pulled his phone out.

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